
Is there an added benefit to trail walking with a weighted
backpack especially when it comes to weight loss???


  • Mayor_West
    Mayor_West Posts: 246 Member
    Absolutely- walking with more weight than your body is used to will cause your muscles and cardiovascular system to work that much harder to move yourself down the trail. This is especially true on terrain with a lot of climbs, but the effect is really dependent upon how much weight is in the pack and your overall fitness level.

    Also, while your body will be burning more calories during a hike, make sure to compensate for this by eating more. Calorie-dense foods like trail mix are a standard because they supply the body with a ton of calories while at the same time don't require you to eat a ton to meet your caloric requirements.
  • luppic8
    luppic8 Posts: 580 Member
    Yes. You get a better cardio/strenght workout and burn more calories.