
hello....I am new here...I joined 1 week ago, and I have been exploring this site. I am so determined to lose this extra weight that I have been carrying around. I see there is lots of support and genuine loving people who are striving hard. I haven't posted a pic yet, but I will soon. I am hoping for at least a 30lb loss by July. I hoping it is realistic. I lost 3 lbs b4 joining here. And an additional 2 lbs since I became a member. Best of luck to all!


  • sullivan50
    sullivan50 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello...Brand new here...I have been trying and (giving up) to lose this 15 lbs
    for two years. I just am too short to carry 143 lbs. and need to feel better.
    My age is creeping up and it's getting a little harder every year. NOW I'm
    starting and NOT stopping...have a reunion around the corner!!!! Always
    a motivator....
  • pamvosh
    pamvosh Posts: 2
    Reunions are always a good motivator. I have one coming up in October. I have been trying to lose weight for over a year and it gets tougher all the time. I know I am eating healthy now. So I will be happy with any weight loss I get. Good Luck!
  • sullivan50
    sullivan50 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks!...I am determined this time...and this looks like a good way to
    do it..Good Luck to you also...
  • Me4me68
    Me4me68 Posts: 19
    Pamvosh...my reunion is in august:) yes it is a great motivation! Good luck to u too:)