Diamonds in the Rough - 7 Week Challenge [Week 6]

miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
[This challenge is now full, but you can register for Round 2! Click here:!]

Congratulations Diamonds!

Several of you worked your bums off this week, and have the numbers to prove it! YOU GO GIRLS!

Can you believe this is the 6th week of the challenge! If you have not already done so, be sure to register for Round 2. You are NOT automatically registered in Round 2 if you participated in Diamonds in the Rough: Round 1.

Also, if you are interested in being a Moderator/Team Captain for Round 2, please contact me in a message. As a member of the Diamonds in the Rough "Mod Squad" you would encourage your team, remind them of weigh in days, and overall be awesome. In exchange you get a fancy "Mod Squad" badge for your sig., and the chance to be part of a pretty cool team. I'm looking for 2-3 people.

Without further ado...

The WINNING Diamonds are:

Kathy (kkmark) is down 0.5 pounds :-)
Falicia (morefitmom) lost 1.8 pounds!
Khalilah (bballgrrl34) broke into the 170's! You go girl!
Elle (ellejay221) lost a tremendous 3.6 pounds! Amazing!
Jamaica (miss_jamaica)... I lost 2 pounds and am thrilled!
Janice (jwill10) lost 1 pound!

Great job ladies!

Please welcome our newest member, Jackie (jacks90) who will be finishing out Round 1 with us!

***Question of the Day***

The weather is finally starting to take a positive turn! What are some healthy activities you will engage in?

My Answer:

Gardening! Okay, maybe not full on gardening (I live in the city), but I am excited about growing herbs and veggies this spring. I am doing a potted garden that I will leave out during the spring and summer and bring indoors in the winter.

Keep Shining Diamonds!

Diamonds in the Rough Guidelines:

- Write as much as possible when writing to your buddy and in the forum, we are in this together!
- Please MESSAGE me (karlajamaica) your weight LOSS on or before Monday of each week. Any day is fine.
- Support, support, support! Who can’t use a home court advantage? Let’s cheer each other on!


In order to maintain some order on the forum, I will close the forum and start a new one every Monday. So, look for “Diamonds in the Rough – Week 1” etc. each week.

Team 1
Khalilah (bballgrrl34) – 11 lbs
Sarah (SarahRuth)– 14.4 lbs

Team 2
Jamaica (karlajamaica) – 10 lbs
Jackie (jacks90) – 5 lbs (2 wk goal)

Team 3
ElleJay (ElleJay221) – 10 lbs
Lyndsey (baypathgrad) – 10 lbs

Team 4
Kathy (kkmark) – 10 lbs
Falicia (morefitmom) – 10 lbs

Team 5
Jessica (Lailah28) – 15 lbs
Janice (jwill10) – 14 lbs

Team 6
Shalon (Shallo) – 10-14 lbs
Emily/Em (Emilyanne6081) – 10-15 lbs

Team 7
Stacy (catsdogsandkids) – 10 lbs
Fi (Fifibox) - 1 kilo/wk (2.2 lbs/wk)

Team 8
Sara (SAWyland) – 10 lbs
Steph (Robes) – 10 lbs

Team 9
April (GoGettmGirl1419) – 12-15 lbs
Brittany (haydan7707) – 10 lbs


  • baypathgradLyns
    baypathgradLyns Posts: 639 Member
    Congrats to those that lost this past week!! :D I can't say that I did...I actually gained about 2 lbs, but finally lost some this I am back on track!!

    Have a great week!!

    My answer: more walking outside, some hiking once it gets even warmer, bike riding...
  • jwill10
    jwill10 Posts: 30
    Congrats to all!!! I love this time of year....I am super busy with the farm so I am outside almost all the time. We just got a new jogging stroller so I can get outside the walls of the gym. I wasn't sure If I was going to like it but so far so good. Does anyone have a dog?? I have a miniature pinscher with bounds of energy and she gets longer walks now too.
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 559 Member
    Congratulations to losers
    Everybody did great job today

    Go diamonds!!!!!

    The weather is finally starting to take a positive turn! What are some healthy activities you will engage in?

    hmm i am not sure i prefer going to Gym alot will try to go to swimming i guess

  • jacks90
    jacks90 Posts: 14
    Congrats to everyone that lost this week. Everyone is doing great!

    I'm excited about being apart of this!
    I hope all you diamonds have a wonderful week!

    My answer: swimming, I love the pool and the beach and I can't wait for this semester of school to be over, so I can swim everyday :) lol well at least a few times a week!
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    Hello Divas!

    So, today's question of the day is a selfish one to be sure. I injured my back last weekend and am now struggling with how to get some physical activity in without hurting myself. It's just a muscle pull, and I plan to pretty much rest all week, but I just feel terrible about doing NOTHING at all. This week is important to me because I am ONE little pound away from a very important 20 pound milestone!

    Any ideas? What I can I do to get my heart rate up... even a little? I haven't a pool nearby (at least, not one with water in it this time of year).

    Keep shining!
  • jacks90
    jacks90 Posts: 14
    I can only think of swimming, walking, and maybe some bicycle kicks while laying down.
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    Week 6 is no time to slack off! I hope you are all communicating with your partners and sticking to your plans! You deserve the success you seek... so work for it!

    Question of the Day:

    What has your weight stopped you from doing? Will you do it again once you slim down?

    My Response:

    My weight has absolutely stopped me from wearing 2 piece swimsuits! I used to be so thin that it didn't even occur to me that some people didn't wear them! I can't wait to feel confident in one again.
  • jacks90
    jacks90 Posts: 14
    My Response:

    My weight has stopped me from wearing most of the clothes that I use to wear and feel comfortable especially bathing suits. I'm excited to be able to go shopping and love how everything fits and also feel confident on the beach in my bathing suit.
This discussion has been closed.