Would you carry on a relationship if you knew you didn't lov



  • fantomette
    fantomette Posts: 148 Member
    I've worked with kids for quite a longtime.
    Thinking kids DON'T know about those things is not knowing how intelligents kids are.
    I've heard more than one time kids who said "My parents are still together, but I don't think they are in love...It's sad"
    Kids know. And kids who love their parents are not selfish and want their parents to be happy.
    Happy parents make happy kids. And if the parents still get along but are not in love with eachother anymore, then GREAT it's still time to separate and have a HEALTHY, AMICABLE separation.
    I think when you leave before things get bad it's better: I've seen parents done it. They separated but we're still friends and attended school meetings together. Kids were happy.
    Love is something you "feel" and you don't have to talk about it. So if that 4 years old doesn't know it yet, he'll sure feel soon enough his parents don't love each other but stay together because of him. It's gonna be sad...