Jillian Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism May



  • katberz
    katberz Posts: 123
    I'm still feeling a bit unwell so went for a walk today and will do 30DS later this afternoon. NMTZ tomorrow if all goes well!
  • katberz
    katberz Posts: 123
    Yep, NMTZ today. Really wasn't feeling it though, wanted to go back to bed! :yawn:
  • katberz
    katberz Posts: 123
    If no one else posts to this thread tomorrow I'm not gonna bother posting either lol. But anyway, I did level 2 of 30DS and went for a walk. Tomorrow is BFBM again.
  • mbnharrison
    mbnharrison Posts: 57 Member
    Good morning team jillian!
    I've just returned from a week of work - long flights, hotel rooms, eating out and Jillian and I have missed a couple (ekk) of dates! Bsck to it today! BFBM makes me miss 30DS...this is going to be rough...
    Hope you're all still keeping up the amazing work! We've hit the half way point and I'm 100% that I haven't seen a change because of my schedule and let's face it - slacking. I'll be giving it my all until the end of May and hope to see big results in myself and in all of you. Thanks for sticking around even when I disappeared :)

    Has anyone taken measurements to see how the first 16 days treated them? Or stepped on the scale? I hope you're making more progress than me!
  • katberz
    katberz Posts: 123
    Glad I'm not the only one posting again haha! I never took any measurements because I don't have a tape measure but there have been changes.

    SW: 199
    Dress size: 18

    CW: 194
    Dress size: 16

    So I'm down 5 lbs and a whole dress size in two and a half weeks!

    I did BFBM yesterday but going to do 30DS and a walk today. Still trying to shake a cold and my energy has plummeted so I'll be lucky if I can finish level 1 at this rate.
  • mbnharrison
    mbnharrison Posts: 57 Member
    5lbs is amazing! Way to stick with it! You're helping to motivate me to really crack into Jillian tonight when the Baby goes to bed - enough excuses. I'm going to try and hold off on measurements until the end of the month but overall energy level is definitely up which is the grand scheme is what I really wanted to see. I'll be getting through the whole BFBM tonight even if I have to take a couple of breaks here and there, bottle of oxygen or 911 on speed dial...it will be done and it will be done tomorrow too!
  • katberz
    katberz Posts: 123
    How did you get on yesterday?

    I did 30DS yesterday and day before. Still feeling pretty unwell so I don't have enough energy to get through the longer workouts. I'm gonna do BFBM tomorrow but today I think I'll just go for a walk.
  • mbnharrison
    mbnharrison Posts: 57 Member
    BFBM was pretty rough. I did manage to get through the whole video but it was a bit here, a bit there so I didn't track any calories since my heart rate wasn't really getting the full work out. We're in a heat wave here so I've been getting out for 5k jogs with 75lbs of baby stroller, baby, and baby gear in the mornings before full heat which then makes doing BFBM in a house with no AC a disgusting though. I'll be tackling BFBM tonight though. Hard to believe that it's May 22nd already and I'm not hitting my stride. I miss 30DS. I loaned it to a friend and think I need it back for June as the 28 minutes flies by and I can do it easily while Baby is napping or right after she goes to bed without throwing my sleep into chaos.
  • katberz
    katberz Posts: 123
    Yeah I'm still doing 30DS too on my off days. It's a lot easier to fit in the time for it.

    I did BFBM on Saturday but this bloody cold still keeps coming and going so I didn't do anything at all yesterday. Today I've already gone for a walk but I'm gonna try to fit in at least some 30DS this afternoon too. I really hope I feel better soon, I hate being ill and it's really screwed up my exercise routine!
  • katberz
    katberz Posts: 123
    Only managed a walk yesterday. Was going to do BFBM today but I still feel terrible so gonna do 30DS instead. I'm really getting fed up with being ill, it's been nearly 2 weeks now! :sad:
  • katberz
    katberz Posts: 123
    I did 30DS Tuesday, a walk yesterday and I'm going to do sweet FA today. I feel absolutely awful (still?!!) and plan on curling up in bed with a hot drink for the rest of the day. I don't think this is going to shift for at least a few more days so I doubt I'll get much more BFBM in for the rest of the month. Hope the rest of you do better than me!
  • daisabelle
    daisabelle Posts: 74 Member
    Hey guys, i've done it 4 times this week. Was a bit upset earlier though as the scale said i'd gained 2lb...don't know if it's that i've built muscle or water retention? Who knows. I don't think i'm eating enough anyway, i'm barely making 1100 calories a day and with burning about 500 when you do the dvd I think my body is going on strike! Just a bit worried though, have my brothers wedding coming up in 5 weeks and i'm a bridesmaid and would really like to lose 7lb before.
  • mbnharrison
    mbnharrison Posts: 57 Member
    As much as it pains me to say this..May was a bust for me. I lost speed on BFBM and just never got back on the horse seriously. I hope that you all had more success and more motivation than me. I'll be doing my measurements at the end of the week since I'm starting my cycle and would rather not be discourage though it could really make me step up my game. I'll be continuing BFBM for June as I'll be off work from the 8th to the 19th and I feel that just enough time to really get back into the swing of it without any time changes :)
    Even though I slacked on BFBM I did get back out jogging with my jogging stroller and despite all the rain this month I did get out for a ton of long walks with my daughter. It wasn't a complete write off but I know I can push myself harder.
  • katberz
    katberz Posts: 123
    I didn't manage to do BFBM again in May. I took 5 days off from exercise (and counting calories, eek!) but I'm pleased to say I'm finally over this illness. I did 30DS yesterday and the day before and both times nearly killed me! It's amazing how quickly your body loses endurance. I'll finish this week with just 30DS and ramp back up to BFBM again next week.

    Does anyone else wanna do BFBM in June? Should we start a new thread?