new and a little discouraged

Hi! My name is Stacie. I have been using myfitnesspal for 2 weeks now. I have been on other diet plans for most of my adult life either counting points or just portions and types of food. this is my first time counting calories and MFP on my phone is making it real easy to keep track of everything. I am using MFP in tandem with a nutritionist since I need to lose about 80 lbs.

The first 2 weeks I have no success. Been working out as prescribed by my fitness trainer from the weightloss clinic and I have been eating within my caloric limit. but I didn't lose any so far. Feeling a little discouraged, but I do have another idea to modify my diet even more with more veggies and perhaps eat smaller meals more often. Also, I have not been getting the protein as prescribed either.

My biggest challenges are planning and preparing meals and getting up every morning to workout. When I actually get to the gym, I am fine and have a great workout and a great day, but it is just getting to the gym is the hardest.

I look forward to utilizing the forum for the unbiased encouragement I need and to help others with the tips I have picked up along the way as well. Any advise on how to jumpstart this weightloss journey is greatly appreciated.


  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    You are doing the right things and will get there. For me, the protein is a must or I don't lose the weight. Every body is different and you will need to play around to see what works for you.
  • FatBastard6135

    Welcome!!! ... Don't get discourged you could be trading any fat you have for muscle which weighs more. Sometimes the scale isn't the best judge, take measurements of your arms, legs, waist, etc. Use the results from both the scale and the measurements to see results.

    Find a workout buddy local to you, having someone else going with you helps to get moving :smile:

    This really isn't a diet but more of a long term life style change .. Keep up the good work!!
  • ratkaj
    ratkaj Posts: 166 Member
    the getting to the gym part gets a lot easier as you start to see results and become "addicted" to the feeling. Good Luck!!
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    I too am a protien slacker. Don't let yourslef get discouraged so soon. Do you track your measurements? Sometimes when the scale doesn't budge, the inches do!!
    I can't get myself up early enough to workout in the a.m. so I do my exercising at night. I use an elliptical at home as well as dvds (Jillian Michaels 30 DS currently) and I go to Zumba classes 1-2 times a week. I drink 8 cups of water a day but aim for 10-12, that helps me cut back on munchy times. Also I eat small meals throughout the day. Many times my "lunch" is eaten over the course of 3 hours.
    You can do this!!!!!! Add me if you'd likie more friends!
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    Stacie, I'm right there with you! started in January with 74 lbs to lose. (probably should be 84, but it just seemed too big of a mountain.) Keep at it and try to make better choices every chance you get. I found when I tried to be perfect, it was too much and I would slip. So I would try and focus on one thing at a time and just do better in the other areas. if the gym is your challenge, focus on that this week and if you don't get all your fruits and veggies in, don't stress. Remember this is a life style change and every healthy choice gets you closer to your goal. That goal shouldn't just be a number, but a feeling of health and wellness. You can do it!!!
  • barbee55
    barbee55 Posts: 15
    Hi Stacie, I've been on MFP for 2 weeks also and I have about the same amount of weight to loose as you. I know what you mean about the weight but I started off by taking measurements and so far I've lost 2 inches everywhere. I think I'm gaining muscle which is heavier so it makes it harder to see on he scales what you have actually lost. Don't get discouraged, if you eat less than your goal, you can't help loose. Add me as your friend so I we can go through this together :) Bobbi
  • ssecoy
    ssecoy Posts: 3
    Hi Stacie! I am new to the website myself and this is the first I've really been into the message boards. I've lost 25 lbs on my own before getting on here but now I am in a plateau too. I know if I keep with it my body will adjust. I think sometimes are body waits to see if this is the way we are going to keep treating it before it decides to let lose of some weight. Also for me, getting in lots of water is key and I've been struggling with it lately. Hang in there and we'll both get through! :)
  • nmoreland
    nmoreland Posts: 183 Member
    When I first started working out, I did not see any changes for a few weeks either. I stepped up my cardio and that is when I noticed differences. Also, when the weight is not coming off but I am working out and eating healthy, I just remind myself (A LOT) that there are changes going on inside my body, it just has not gotten to the outside yet! :smile:
  • PA21
    PA21 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi Stacie!

    I also started seeing a dietitian a few months ago, and although it has been slow-going, remember this is about a life-change, not an outfit change! I'm sure you will start seeing changes soon.

    Measurements are a great idea. Preparing meals is hard. What helped me was to make a meal plan for the entire week and only go shopping once on the weekends so there is always food. Oh and keep junk food out of the house. If you need more protein, remember things like hummus, lunch meats, and soups can be fantastic protein sources!

    I'm going to add you as a friend and I will be very excited when you start seeing those changes you are working so hard for :)
  • dgclip1981
    If you recently started working out you have probably gained muscle, which weighs more than fat, so that is most likely why you haven't seen results yet. I gained weight after I started doing Zumba. Just don't give up.
  • crystaldegreef
    I started MFP a couple weeks ago too and was in the same boat... freaking out because nothing was budging... and then... five pounds dropped last week... boom... just like that. I think that in the beginning your body is all like... oh no... yeah right... here she goes on that DIET crap again... we need to hold onto all of this fat because she's just going to deny us again....

    It takes a little convincing of your body to know that its ok to burn the fat stores... especially if you've been a serial dieter...
  • mrsbergie
    Thanks guys for all the encouragement. It feels good to know that there are other people with the same struggles and I'm not unusual. It's amazing how a few encouraging words from people on the same journey can help motivate me again!
  • KCB1978
    KCB1978 Posts: 113
    Feel free to add me as a friend, we can keep each other on track xx
  • toothfairy19802001
    toothfairy19802001 Posts: 10 Member
    Don't get discouraged. I lost a lot of weight back in 2006 then last year gained in all back due to some health issues and I am trying to get back on track. I have found with me it is best to cut out on carbs. I eat lots of proteins and veggies. I have only been doing this a liitle while and have already started losing. Just don't give up you can give up. You just have to find something that works for you everybody is diffrent and each persons battle with weight is diffrent. Good luck!!
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    You can do it! I work out at night, as i'm not a morning person and will not give up sleep for exercise. You will find a system that works for you :) Watch your sodium, measure your portions, cut up fruit and veggies on grocery day- and watch your evening snacking, and watch the type of carbs you are having, especially at dinner time :) I switched to whole grains, whole grain rice and quinoa mostly if i have a carb with dinner and have noticed a big difference! I think mostly because i am a carb a holic- and if i have a plate full of mashed potatoes, i will eat those and skimp on the vegs and protein. if i fill half my plate with salad or garlic mushrooms and tons of veggies, raw or cooked and a good 3-5oz piece of lean portion i am more full, lose the sleepy feeling after i eat and seem to lose faster!