Finding motivation from old photos ...

Hey all

So a friend just posted some photos of me on Facebook from spring last year - wow I've gained a lot of weight since then! However, rather than beating myself up too much about this weight gain (around 10kg), I'm going to try and be positive for once (as my bf has been on my case about how negative I am about my body image atm)!

Therefore - here's to using these photos for some motivation and inspiration to get back to being slim and fit again - even if I have some knee problems that I'm physio-ing and having to care for. As I once was told by my old PT (personal trainer), most of one's weight is dependent on what you eat ... something like 70%.

I'm going to go back to eating a meal a day that has no starchy carbs in it. Wish me luck!

What are you using for inspiration? And how are you changing your negative thoughts/attitudes to positive ones?


  • Angie80281
    Angie80281 Posts: 444 Member
    I was also motivated by a picture posted by a friend on facebook, but kind of the opposite of how you were. I knew I had gained weight, but I didn't think I looked "that bad". Then I went out to dinner with a friend before he deployed and afterwards, he posted a picture of the two of us on facebook. I couldn't believe that I never saw it before... the chubby cheeks, the rolls over my jeans, the stretching of my too-small shirt. Ugh!!! That picture has now become a symbol of how far I let myself go, and where I don't ever want to end up again. It wasn't the first picture of me where I looked fat, but it was the first one posted where everyone could see it, lol!