Power90 Questions

mom2alexandmatt Posts: 43
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
For those of you who have started or completed Power90, I was wondering if you could tell me what intensity level it is? I know I'm not ready for P90X, but I was looking at the website and found Power90, which looks like it's geared more towards losing weight. I've been newly active for the past 3 1/2 months and while my fitness level is improving, I still have to be careful of high impact exercises. Thanks for whatever help and insight you can provide!


  • I'm finishing up my 2nd round of P90X. I can't speak 1st hand to Power90, but I do think anyone can do it. I think the same about P90X. Sure, not everyone does it as well as others. But everyone can put out their best effort. Tony says it many times throughout the video...do your best, forget the rest. If you can't (or "presently struggle with") doing something, modify. Do pushups on your knees, pull-ups with a chair. The time commitment can be challenging if you already have a busy schedule. Even if you can't do it 90 days in a row, do something. My opinion...when you are doing a 90 day program you should be doing it to encorporate workouts into your life. So rather than saying I'm going to bust my butt for 90 days to get in really good shape really fast, just do what you can to fit exercise into your everyday life.

    Also the diet is one of the harder parts to these 90 day programs...if you are on Myfitnesspal, then you are on the right track.

    I hope that helps. As motivation think of how you are being a good role model for Alex and Mat.:smile:
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