At 135 lbs...Pictures don't lie and I am So Discouraged

Before I started MFP, I knew I had put on some weight @ 141lbs. Clothes were not fitting right and actually a co-worker mentioned that it looked like I had put on weight.. Well that did it. I was devastated but it was a wake up call. I was running off & on but never ever counted my calories until now. I have lost 6 lbs thus far and have 9 more to go which seems possible. This morning, I decided to take a photo of me in just top and bottom and OMG it was not at all an attractive sight.. I appear heavier than what I recall before I started this whole thing. Is my mind playing tricks on me? Is it that as I lose weight, I begin to see more & more imperfections?? I am just not nowhere near where I want to be. I want to be able to put on a swimsuit and not feel uncomfortable. I would actually like to be able to go to the river and actually tube down the river. I stay away from any activities that involve a swimsuit. Ugh!

I am 5"5 @ 135lbs and now I am thinking I probably need to lose more than just another 9 lbs! I don't think the 9lbs will make that much of a difference in what I saw in that photo. I mean the mirror and photos don't lie, right??

Curious about the ladies out there that are around my height and what their goals are.


  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    Have you tried sticking those figures into a BMI calculator to see what falls within the "Healthy" range?
  • JPayne53
    JPayne53 Posts: 235 Member
    I actually think 135 lbs at 5'5" is a really good weight, maybe focus on some weight training and tighten up... get some muscle under that skin and see what a difference it makes.. 135 lbs of lean muscle girl your gonna be a fox! :wink:
  • marchegt
    marchegt Posts: 156 Member

    I am 5'6 and currently just under 130. My goal is to get to 125 but I dont actually think it's feasible... I think it would be unhealthy for me. I am not super pleased with the way I look but I also think it has more to do with toning than actually losing weight. Have you thought of that? I am currently too busy (undergrad finals) to be going to the gym and working out everyday, but as soon as I am done on thursday that is what I will be doing.

    Could that be the issue with you as well? Also, when I wax 135 I felt disgusting but everyone around me told me i looked fantastic and that i shouldnt be losing anymore weight. We are our own worst critic!
  • ThaiKaren
    ThaiKaren Posts: 341 Member
    I think you are definitely in the Healthy BMI range, maybe you just need toning up, But then I think we always see ourselves fatter than we really are.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I'm 5'5" trying to get down to 135. It's healthy! I recommend weight training and toning. You'll look better nekkid :)
    Just focus on eating clean, get some toning in.
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    Body composition makes a difference so you are going to get all kinds of numbers.

    I'm also 5'5" and 135 wouldn't work for me. My goal is 155. My weight in the swimsuit pictures in my profile is about 163.
  • awf2215
    awf2215 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 5'5" I started at 143. I currently weigh 137. My goal is to be 125. I don't think I will ever reach that goal. I am 34 years old and have been hanging out at 143 for several years now. Before that it was 140. I think I was 128 in high school, but even in high school 128 felt to heavy. I keep all my fat in my butt and thighs. I am not proportional. I've been dieting for 3 weeks.
  • DianeAuger
    I agree--it just might be a matter of building muscle. You might put on a few pounds while doing weight training but it's muscle weight. Muscles require more calories to maintain so the more muscle you have even at rest your body's metabolism will be elevated.
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    I am shorter than you, but yes, no matter what I weigh, I always see the flaws when I look in the mirror. I believe this is a common problem for women and men, all ages. It's just so darn hard to be objective when it comes to yourself.

    5'5" and 135 doesn't sound big to me at all. I know everyone's body shapes or frames are different, but I suspect you are being much too hard on yourself!

    Just my 2 cents worth, keep going with your healthy habits. :flowerforyou:
  • rthompson81
    rthompson81 Posts: 305 Member
    I am 29 years old, 5'5'' and my goal weight is 130. I started at 148, and I have lost 17 of the 18 pounds that I planned to lose.

    If I were you, I would make the decision when you get closer to your goal weight. Right now, being one pound away, I realize that I could change it to 125 and look really great, but I have to consider that for me, working that hard to maintain 125 is not something I want to do, nor is it something that fits into my lifestyle and my schedule. I am very happy near 130, I feel confident in a bathing suit, and clothes fit much better than they used to.

    Please don't get discouraged by what you see in the mirror (or a picture). I didn't really notice a difference until I got to about 135 (12 pounds in), and that's when other people started noticing a difference too. And honestly, I don't see the difference as much in my body as in the way clothes fit. We are our own worst critics!

    If you'd like to, please add me as a friend, especially since we have such similar goals!

    Good luck! You can do it!

  • etarre
    etarre Posts: 147 Member
    Cameras are not always kind. Lighting can also be really unflattering!

    Don't let this keep you from enjoying your success at losing weight so far. Remember how far you've come already, and then use that success to build on. Now that you're almost there, you can work on fine-tuning with weights and toning if that will make you feel better about yourself.
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    I'm 5'5" and my initial goal is 140 135 you are within the healthy range but you might not like what you see because you might need to tone up some ditch the scale and bring on the measuring tape and introduce more strength training exercises into your workout especailly for the trouble areas....

    BTW which area was it that you didnt like was it the tummy, hips etc??
  • Sweetcheeks278
    I'm 5'5 and currently at 142lbs. My goal is 125. I weighed this before I had my little girl and felt good. Was a size 4/6 then so thats what I'm shooting for. :)
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    i'm 5'5" currently 160lbs and would like to be between 130-135lb
  • ahanson6
    ahanson6 Posts: 102
    I am 5'5, and I started on here at 145.5 lbs. The whole reason I started this process was because my husband wants to go on a cruise to the Bahama's for his birthday at the end of May. I have not worn a bathing suit in public in at least 5 years, and I didn't want to go on this cruise feeling so embarassed that I couldn't get into the water. I am now at 138, and I already think I look pretty good. Yes, I want to lose the rest of the weight, but I definitely look alot better now than I did a few weeks ago. Maybe you are focusing too much on the tiny issues and not letting yourself see the whole picture. You should be so proud of what you've already done, and it should serve as inspirartion to keep going.
  • paperbagprincess
    Your right, photos don't lie. When I noticed I gained weight the big wake up call to me was pictures I saw. I could see it in my face, arms and stomach. Those were all places that were generally my thinnest before.

    I'm not the same height as you, I'm 5'7" and at 135lbs I would be SUPER thin... so I crave to be ur weight right now lol but I know how you feel. The best thing you can do is keep everything up. Try to find an activity that's a major calorie burner and go from there. For me, that's running. I LOVE to run and almost get a high from it. I can now run 5k and I'm working to my next goal which will be running 5k in a half hour. I love the challenges!

    I've only lost 8 lbs but I know it will take some time. You ever watch those weight loss shows? The Last 10 Pounds with Tommy Europe? Those ppl are working with highly trained professionals to see amazing results and they still don't drop just 20 lbs in the course of 4 wks. It takes time and A LOT of effort. It sucks, but if we aren't so hard on ourselves great things can happen. We just have to have patience and great control.

    Good luck with everything!
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    I actually think 135 lbs at 5'5" is a really good weight, maybe focus on some weight training and tighten up... get some muscle under that skin and see what a difference it makes.. 135 lbs of lean muscle girl your gonna be a fox! :wink:

    I agree!!!
  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    I'm 5'3 or 5'4 with horrible posture. I can squeeze into size 4 jeans but even after losing 2 pants sizes and almost 20 pounds i still look chubby. I had one weekend when 4 different people thought i was pregnant. It has been rough. I remember in highschool that i focused on my fatty areas even when i was wearing a size zero and could go back to shopping in the little girls department. I wasn't tone of "skinny fat" as i was described in college.
    i am down from 152 to 132 but i still hate to work out. I would love to be 115 or less but I readjusted that expectation since we hope to start trying for a family in the near future. You may not be overweight as much as out of shape. If you focus on toning you will not only lose weight but have it look good while you do.
  • sweetiepie31612
    sweetiepie31612 Posts: 240 Member
    I'm 5'5" and 135lbs. I started at 145 lbs. My goal is to get down to 125lbs. More importantly, I want to tone up so i'm losing weight only a little at a time. Feel free to friend me if you want!
  • marci355
    marci355 Posts: 292
    I'm 5'5" too. My perfect weight is 165. I've as low as 145 and truly looked WAY underweight. People thought I was anorexic! I have a large frame, so 165 is perfect for me. (makes me a solid size 10) I'm also older than you I bet, I'm 56, if that matters.