Thunder thighs and saggy knees?



  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    Squats, light jogging, walking and step aerobics are making my thunder thighs stronger but not loosing in terms of inches.... I'm planning on sticking with it though to see if that changes. It's the good old bingo wings I'm more bothered about :grumble: :laugh:

    Bingo wings, you need to do tricep curls or isolate the triceps, it hurts like hell but works.

    In reply to everyone, I run alot, I do elliptical training, I used to do step aerobics, spinning and god knows what else but I could never shift the thighs... I am seeing a personal trainer tomorrow - maybe she'll have the answer!? I have seriously strong legs but cant seem to shift the size :-(

    Cardio isn't going to change them... Cardio eats your muscle as well so it is really counter productive in an area that needs help... you need to be doing strength training! and that is what your personal trainer will say too. Cardio wont do hardly anything for your legs.
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    You need to do Muscle BUILDING excercises but depending on genetics you may always have "thunder thighs" My sister is a size 3 and still had bigger thighs then she would like!

    But there are plenty of weight resistance equipment at the gym you can use to work inner & outer thigh muscles, thats truly the only way to tighten up (along with squats/lunges obviously) If you stick to cardio youll never "re-shape"
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