Quick Trim?

Has anyone ever tried Quick Trim? if so what are your results- went to dr today and he wont prescribe me any weight loss meds :(
i dont like fruits or veggies and can only walk weather permitting-it rains here every other day! ugh!


  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    my advice, dont take anything thats too good to be true or a quick fix. it takes time. you can get a dvd to exercise inside, i suggest zumba, i love it. theres always alternatives. im not a big fruit fan, im vegan, makes no sense haha, but i love ready to made smoothies. i drink bolthouse farms. theres many flavors so im sure something can fit your tastes. as far as veggies. every food can be made lower calories. theres also fruit drinks that have veggiesin them that dont taste like veggies, but ive never tried that though. you can always make something you love, and throw just a bit of veggies in there. like my pesto pasta, at first i just threw in mushrooms, then slowly added veggies, and now i love the veggies even more than the pasta. good luck.
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    I haven't tred Quick Trim, but I have tried other weight loss pills and never had any luck with them. The only thing that has worked for me was exercising, building muscle and cutting out the junk food, at least most of it. I don't like being outside unless the weather is perfect and I don't eat vegetables. I refuse to "diet", because it only makes me want the bad stuff more. I try to make better choices. I watch my calories, protein and carbs. I make myself work out. I realize that some days call for pizza and so far no one has passed a law against birthday cake. My path may not be for everyone, but it is working for me and I can live with it. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • bltmgray
    bltmgray Posts: 163 Member
    Those get slim quick fixes do not work and if they do start to work, once you go off of them you start to gain the weight back. I know, because I've tried everything and none of it worked. They best way to do it is to find fruits and veggies that you do like and change your eating habits and work-out at least a few times a week. It gets to hot her where I live, so I don't work out outside either. I got the wii fit plus, for the wii game system, and started working out at home. I've lost 56lbs so far from changing my eating habits and working out. I'm sure that if you change your diet, even a little at a time, you will see a difference. Good luck and I hope this helped a little!
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    don't take it. All of these supplements are basically speed. That's why your doctor knows best!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    A. Diet pills don't work long term.
    B. Get yourself to eat fruits and vegetables. Do you want to be skinny or do you want to be healthy?
  • alexa137
    alexa137 Posts: 68 Member
    i probably wont try it because i really cant afford it, but the only veggies i like are corn and spinach, i cant stand the taste of anything else, i will throw up! and for fruits, watermelon and canteloupe only! someone really needs to invent a pill that gives you your fruits and veggies serving per day! with no job I really cant afford Wii games or dvds, the only option ihave it to walk outside, so far in the past month ive only been able to do it about twice a week , because its either too cold or raining! and in 3 weeks of not eating and cutting out junk food i havent lost any pounds! and im hungry! thought about lap band surgery but scared really
  • robertf57
    robertf57 Posts: 560 Member
    There are no shortcuts! I'm glad you physician didn't cave in to your request. Start an indoor exercise regimen. Get some elastic bands and start an eating program that emphasizes adequate protein intake and track everything you eat. If you do, you will be surprised at the progress you make.
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    In my opinion diet pills are only going to make the difference if your diet and workout routine are already in check.

    Take the time to focus on those things first. Then supplement with herbs and what not, if you want more help.

    Proper nutrition should come first.
  • Ariyasnow1
    Ariyasnow1 Posts: 117
    I too agree. You will do (and feel) 100% times better if you stick to a healthy low-cal/fat diet and exercise. It's a life style change for sure, and yes it won’t be easy, but no drug will ever 'fix' you. You have to fix you by eating a more natural diet that includes veggies and change your body by exercising (walking is just a start). Go out and try out a few beginner work out DVD’s, or if you can afford it, a fitness program at your local gym/rec. center.

    You will find far better results this way than any weight loss drug would give you.

    You will get plenty of encouragement and tips here, and If you need further motivation, go out and get 'Skinny B!tch' book. A veggie diet is the way to go. ;)

    Feel free to add me as a friend.
    Good luck!
  • carl1738
    carl1738 Posts: 444 Member
    Good for your doctor! Too many people look for quick fixes and magic pills to melt the fat off. What do you mean that you can only walk, weather permitting? Do your arms and legs work? Then you can exercise anywhere, especially at home. Pushups, squats, lunges, crunches and other great exercises require no special equipment, just a floor and a little ambition. Need a cardio workout? Jog on the spot, or around your house or apartment while you watch tv or listen to music. Buy some workout DVDs. Do jumping jacks or climb the stairs! Want to do a light weight workout? Grab a couple of bottles of water, or cans of soup. You don't like fruits and veggies? Keep trying different ones until you find some you like. Stop making excuses and looking for quick fixes. A little bit of hard work and a bit of self sacrifice will help you a lot better than some overpriced caffiene pills!
  • dirtyblue
    dirtyblue Posts: 90
    If you can't afford any DVD's, there are free things in your house that you can workout with. Go up and down the stairs, use soup cans as weights, do lunges, if it's raining outside - go to your local mall and walk in there. You don't need DVD's to help you workout, there are lots of routines you can find on the internet, and if you have cable there are usually workouts on there that you can do.
    Good luck!!!
  • Kolohe71
    Kolohe71 Posts: 613 Member
    I know that this is going to come across as rude, but there is no way around it... The MFP system is based on the simplest, most effective, weight loss program ever: "Eat less, Move more". If you are not willing (able) to do these two simple things, then you're never going to lose the weight.

    There are no shortcuts!

    As for physical activities, there are plenty you can do without ever leaving your home: Cleaning out those closets or cabinets that you've been neglecting will have you lifting, walking and bending over. Walk in place instead of sitting down to watch TV, Do you have stairs? Go walk up and down those for a while.

    The only real obstical you have is YOURSELF!
  • alexa137
    alexa137 Posts: 68 Member
    well to be honest, i have carpal tunnel in both wrists so i cant hold more than a lb or 2, and no no stairs here( i have a very small apt), i have alot of health problems, high blood pressure, diabetes and ashtma. Im not extremely obsese, even though my Bmi says I am(31) im 5'3 178 lbs, i do at least 1 hr of housecleaning a day, i space it out between being on the computer most of the day, hopefully the rain will go away soon!
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    Try your local library for workout dvd's. I like to try new workouts all the time and the library has quite a few options. Mine has tons of Biggest Loser workouts as well as many others and it's free.

    As for the fruits and veggies, you can acquire a taste for them but if you never eat them you never will. I've been married to a picky eater for 20 years. When we first met he'd never even tasted broccoli and hated onions, mushrooms, peppers, basically anything that wasn't peas, corn or potatoes. I love vegetables and wasn't going to let his picky eating and insistence that he "couldn't" eat those things to keep me from them. So he's been served a variety of foods whether he liked it or not. Know what happened? He not only eats these things but now he actually LIKES them! He regularly orders fajitas with all the peppers and onions and EATS them!

    I say this to let you know that you can develop a taste for healthy foods. You can buy "greens" powders that can help with your vegetable consumption but the best option is just to buck up and start trying new foods. Give yourself the opportunity to taste them more than once and eventually you will find you have developed a taste for them.

    The other option is to lose weight somehow but you probably won't be able to keep it off if you do something drastic and don't adjust your eating/exercise habits.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    well to be honest, i have carpal tunnel in both wrists so i cant hold more than a lb or 2, and no no stairs here( i have a very small apt), i have alot of health problems, high blood pressure, diabetes and ashtma. Im not extremely obsese, even though my Bmi says I am(31) im 5'3 178 lbs, i do at least 1 hr of housecleaning a day, i space it out between being on the computer most of the day, hopefully the rain will go away soon!

    If you have all of that you def. don't wanna be mixing it with some lose weight quick take your money and leave you fat diet fad that wont work.

    You need to invest in a treadmill or some other cardio machine that will help you get started. Even just 10 minutes 3 times a day would help you lose weight and get ya healthier.
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    I second the library option for DVDs - they have a TON!! And they are all FREE!!!!

    Also, I had to learn you jut have to get over it being cold (put on more clothes) and rainy (get wet) for walking outside and just do it. If you wait for "perfect weather" it will NEVER happen. In the summer you put on sunscreen and expect to sweat. I know that sounds harsh, but it is also true. You have to adapt to the weather because the weather won't adapt to you....and you can't use it as an excuse.

    So, you don't like fruits and veggies - my suggestion is to eat the ones you do like and experiment with others. In the mean time, load up on lean protein, fat free yogurt, nuts (well this in moderation), beans, etc. There are tons of options out there!! Make your food diary public and we can give you lots of suggestions for substitutions for things you are currently eating.

    Again, this is going to sound harsh, it isn't meant to, you will be hungry. Hopefully, your body will adjust to the new food levels quickly, but you will still be hungry. Hunger isn't a bad a thing, nor is it an emergency. This is perhaps my biggest lesson and one I forget often. Hunger is our bodies way of signaling it isn't getting what it's use to getting or it isn't getting enough calories (the whole idea of weight loss is that you are putting yourself in a calorie deficit). Its a survival mechanism so we don't just "forget" to eat. And frankly, a survival mechanism most of us don't need anymore in the world of 24-7 food availability. Just because you feel hungry, doesn't mean you have to eat. If you know you've given your body the proper fuel, sometimes you just have to live with it. I go to bed hungry every night. And that is fine.