How did you get rid of your "weekend eating" mentality?

I'm trying to prepare ahead of time for this weekend - I don't want to stray from my diet as much as I normally do.

For those who used to eat well during the week and then go downhill when the weekend hits, how did you conquer that cycle?

TIA! :)


  • ziggygirl2003
    ziggygirl2003 Posts: 33 Member
    I would love to know, that is a huge challenge of mine.
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    I actually eat better on the weekends than I do during the week now. I am more focused on the weekend..on what I need to be doing..and more conscious of it. Also..sometimes I don't pay attention and good things happen. It is different for different people. One thing works for one person and not for someone else. You have to find that niche. If you stay active during the weekend..that helps instead of just sitting on the couch.
  • Alita2011
    Alita2011 Posts: 265 Member
    Keep your weight loss goals in the top of your head....Check into MFP more than once daily, workout (working out always supresses my appetite)

    I still have the weekend eating mentality but I also keep it to one meal not the weekend.
  • Becs25
    Becs25 Posts: 79
    Every week it is still the same struggle for me. I have had success when I plan almost everything out for the weekend and remember to take it one day at a time. To start slow, I remember to take it hour by hour and try to just get through that time frame with my plan. Even if you don't make it through the whole weekend on the plan the meals and hours you did make it, you can be proud of yourself for. I'm going to really have to plan hard for this weekend and the holidays.
  • busub
    busub Posts: 58
    I made small adjustments week to week. The easiest, by far, was cutting out alcohol on the weekends, or limiting it to a drink or two (max). Lots of empty calories in those pint glasses, unfortunately. Another small adjustment could be replacing fries w/ a salad. Stepping up my exercise definitely helps by giving me a handful of extra calories for the day and keeping me occupied and not snacking throughout the day. Plan a good hike or bike ride. It doesn't have to be intense at all. Enjoy the scenery and soak it all in. Bottom line is that you're not eating when your busy.
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    I make Monday my weigh-in day. It keeps me focused through the weekend and less likely to get off-track.
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    I have a small cheat weekend, where I just don't track every calorie but keep my weight loss goals in mind so I don't stray too far.
    I also feel pretty guilty and crappy after I cheat so on Monday I am ready to get back on track :)
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    I am still struggling... However, thankfully it's only every other weekend that I am off. Kinda nice that I do work everyother weekend. Helps keep me on track. Only bad thing is that I am off my paid weekends so I always have money to spend on eating out :ohwell:
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    Monday is also my weigh in day! Keeps me focused on that day..and what I need to do!
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    I haven't gotten rid of that mentality, unfortunately....... weekends are really hard for me and I struggle with it every week! When I first started out and was in it to win it, I battled the "going out" and "social eating" stuff by ordering a lot of grilled chicken sandwiches with veggies on the side if we were at restaurants.... and then otherwise, it was a lot of willpower while hanging around my house. I also generally allowed myself one cheat day a week. I managed to lose a lot of weight that way, and now that I'm nearer to my goal, I'm less disciplined...... which is not good, but reality. Eventually I will lose this last 10lbs!
  • auttyfrmca
    auttyfrmca Posts: 125 Member
    This weekend will be hard for me! My fave is Easter candy! But I've decided that what i'm bringing to the family dinner is a healthy option compared to the fried chicken that is being made!
    I have to remember that I only live once and I CAN have a dessert but that I don't NEED to eat everything that is there just because it's there!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Part of the process is to identify what it is during the weekend that derails you... Are you bored? Are you going out with friends? Do you have too many bad foods at home that you can't stay away from?

    For me it's partially boredom and partially the lack of a schedule. So I try to keep myself busy and have a pseudo schedule for my days (more like a to-do list that I want to complete). I make sure I have the same healthy snacks available to me on the weekends that I pack for weekdays - 100 cal microwave popcorn, greek yogurt and plenty of fruit. And I try to exercise at least one day to give myself a bit of wiggle room.
  • mghane
    mghane Posts: 109 Member
    Best thing to do, especially in the beginning, is to plan weekend meals and snacks (this has really helped me)--even if you're planning to go out and eat. Calculate the calories ahead of time, and stick to it... leave however many calories you think you might need for a drink or whatever you would normally treat yourself to on the weekends free (or plan that too!).. .and hold yourself accountable! Share your plan with us in your blog, etc... that way we can give support until it becomes easier!

    The thing that really makes me splurge on weekends is keeping things in the house that I know I would snack on and that I know aren't good for me, so now I just don't buy those kinds of things anymore. Also having a fixed weekend workout plan helps too--this way you could eat a little more if you wanted to.
  • joybell32
    joybell32 Posts: 252 Member
    same problem here! Do really well all week, them the weekend hits, and i'm out! When the weather breaks here it wont be as bad! we have a pool and the park is across the street from us so we can get our play on! best of luck to you!
  • crosales1
    crosales1 Posts: 3 Member
    Great topic!! The weekend is terrible for me too!! Always something fun to do on the weekend and food and drinks are always involved. How do you stay focused? I have come a good way, so this weekend thing bothers me.
  • mom2threeQTs
    mom2threeQTs Posts: 21 Member
    I think its something that many people struggle with, no matter what stage they are at in their weight loss. If you avoid junk food completely, it is much easier to not eat it (which is what I did for the first 3 months). Now that I allow myself junk, I struggle with portions, and making myself not eat it often. If you have a hard time on weekends, I would say to plan ahead. If you want a piece of birthday cake at a party you will be going to, enter it into your diary, and eat healthy foods around it. When I go to someone's house and I know what they are serving, I enter it ahead of time, that way I don't have to eat while worrying about what I am eating. HTP's and GL!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I stick to the same game plan but also have "back up" plans- making me really flexible.

    Plan A
    I wake up early- not as early as during the week but still about 8ish. I have my breakfast definitely later than norm, but still solid and filling. I let it settle and do some form of workout (even if that's just walking a couple miles with the boy). I snackity snack like I would at work- mostly veg, some protein, stuff like that. Keeping lunch light, I experiment with a new dinner feeding us both and have an extra sugary treat on hand for the boy so he doesn't complain about my portion sizing :wink: Often will have a treat like Cheez its or popcorn for watching TV with.

    Plan B
    I wake up a little later than average, do my workout immediately. Don't have breakfast until about 10 or so and make it just a bit bigger than normal. Still snack throughout the afternoon, but skip a traditional 'lunch' in favor of a big meal about about 4:30/5- boy and I will have a treat meal and get to have fun, but not go extremely over my cals. Milkshakes and copious amounts of chocolate are often involved :smile:

    Plan C:
    Throw it to the wind- something is going down- wedding or major holiday. Eat as best I can before any event, get in big workout, focus on 1 major treat and make room for it. Try to make as best decisions as I can with what's at hand.

    Anyways, I hope this helps gives you ideas how you can work around any schedule, any situation and still have some fun with your food choices.

  • ☆ShawnsMom08☆
    ☆ShawnsMom08☆ Posts: 74 Member
    People think because its the weekend they can go crazy. But you can't. Cheating a little here and there is one thing. But a whole cheat day? Why would you want to screw up a weeks worth of hard work for one day? Thats my thinking anyway. I plan out everyday. If I plan I find it easier not to give into temptation because my mind is set on something. Think of the weekend as another day. Or if you know you want that peiece of cake or whatever it may be log it early so you can plan your day. Thats what I did for my bf's birthday and my brothers. They were a week apart and I lost two pounds both weeks. Good luck girl!
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    I double up on exercise on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. That reduces the opportunity for leisure eating and makes things like pizza less appealing (b/c I'm so stoked about fitness that I don't even really want it). Also the double calorie burn gives me room to be a little less careful.

    Also, Saturday a.m. is my official weigh-in. That helps a lot to keep me focused through the weekend.
  • I focus on getting exercise all weekend. We're rarely home on the weekends, so I do my best in the morning on Saturday by hitting up an early class with a light breakfast. I also hit up the gym on Friday night.

    I also try to limit alcohol, but I don't want to limit having fun in my life. So I earn it. But like the person who responded right ahead of me, I usually feel bad and I am ready to get back to work on my diet on Monday!