I need some help.

paloma1182 Posts: 68 Member
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
I have a lot of weight to lose and i really want to tone my whole body and do this the right way so that my skin doesnt lose its lustter lol

im 28 and i have about 170lbs to lose or more so im so worried about my skin.

what workouts are good for toneing/definition?

anything to help with that "bra fat area" ladies you know that little bulge on your sides/back.

i really want to work it all!


  • gorguslyjealous
    gorguslyjealous Posts: 78 Member
    It's all going to take time, dedication and consistency! It's really hard to predict how your body will adapt to the changes - but if you mix up your cardio with stregth training (make sure to build muscle too - not only will it help you to tone but muscle also helps burn the fat more quickly!) - Don't wait until after you lose a significant amount of weight to start trying to "tone" - yes you won't see the muscle definition until you lose the pounds - but if you start now you'll burn the fat from both sides AND will have less of a chance of it effecting your skin!
  • Well I started off at 232 lbs...I need to get down to 150 && I can say that P90x worked out amazingly for me. I have pics up on my fanpage..like it && check the photos out..http://www.facebook.com/PhatNPhavored
  • gumby101ca
    gumby101ca Posts: 539 Member
    CORE WORKOUTS ..Total body burns, you cant pick and choose were to loose body fat, just work hard and eat right .. things will happen for you. best wishes and good luck with your goals. feel free to add me if you want ..
  • klthomas59
    klthomas59 Posts: 100 Member
    I say it is best to do all over body exercise and not try to focus on just a couple areas. the best exercise is the one you will do- so just get started. I use JM 30 day shred and Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds and they are fantastic. Use what works for you
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    I would say that slow and steady will win the race!! Skin is a tricky thing.....if you lose weight and tone at the same time maybe you will have better luck with the skin. Lose the weight slowly so your skin has time to change with your body!! Best of luck to you!!!
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    If you have a gym near by that has Body Pump, I recommend it! it is a total body weight workout, but you determine how much weight you start with. I was really intimidated at first, but everyone was so accepting and friendly. it is really great. Don't forget to mix in cardio to get that fat burning going. Good luck!!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I would suggest Zumba. It is so much fun that the time just flies by and the pounds really fall off. Add 15 min of weights a couple of times a week to tone up your arms.
  • atabt
    atabt Posts: 58 Member
    Just a suggestion, but maybe if you make sure that your water intake is adequate on a daily basis it will help you to keep your skin looking and feeling its best? MyFitnessPal can track how many glasses of water that you drink each day so this might help. I have also heard (and experienced) that drinking a lot of water each day helps you stay hydrated and allows your body to not retain water. I lost my first few pounds (of water weight) by increasing the amount of water I was drinking. Ironic, but true!

    I'm really impressed by your goal and I wish you all the best of luck as you embark on your journey. You can do it!!
  • Beebs33
    Beebs33 Posts: 262
    Starting out will most likely be slow but you will notice results quicker than you might think. Do cardio for 30 minutes per day but it will take some time to work up to that. But make that your goal. Also, do strength exercises such as weights, push ups, lunges. I love doing DVD's. Jillians have really toned me and burn tons of fat. If you need something a little lighter to build up to something like Jillian or P90X...do one of of Leslie Sansone (not sure on last name) walk DVD's. Once you get enough strength and cardio in you will be able to build on that. Everyone starts somewhere. Good luck!
  • Dnsnyder
    Dnsnyder Posts: 263 Member
    Pretty much anything by Jillian Michaels, though they will be hard at first. I love 30 Day Shred and Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism workout DVD's. However, exercising will be very important to your weight loss and toning. I would also recommend seeking the guidance of a personal trainer to help you acheive your goals.

    Keep hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Also keep your skin well nourished to help it remain elastic and healthy.

    Congratulations on your decision to get healthy! Best of luck, and always remember to stay positive!
  • MarkNH
    MarkNH Posts: 65 Member
    Wishing you good luck and success in reaching your goals !!!

    There is no overnight plan. It takes work, dedication and some motivation from friends. I have been saying . . "It took me almost 40 years to put this weight on, so it's going to take some time to get rid of it"

    I have been finding success with a fitness/excerise and diet program and have been loosing about 1.5 - 2 pounds a week. Sometimes, I don't even loose weight, but my clothes are getting looser and I'm tightening my belt.

    If you want some "male" support and/or presepective - feel free to add me as a friend.

  • First of all, congratulations on losing 20 pounds! That is a significant accomplishment. I would suggest you hire a personal trainer for 10 sessions. Yes, it is expensive but she / he will get you on the right track with a good mix of cardio and strength training that should help tone as you go. I would suggest looking at it as a long-term investment - 10 years from now you won't miss the $400 - $500 it might cost but you should still have a lifetime of positive habits. I wish you the best for continued success!
  • For your legs and gluts - squats and leg lifts. Squats = stand with your feet just beyond shoulder width apart and feet straight forward. Drop your rear down while also bending at the waist until you reach halfway to the floor from where you started. Do this movement slowly and reverse the motion at the same pace (try 4 sec down and 4 sec up). Attempt 10 reps. Rest and then repeat. Once you find this to be easy add 2-3 lb hand weights in each hand. Leg Lifts = lay down on your side with legs relaxed straight on the floor. Take your upper leg, straighten and lift approx. 1-2 feet up and then reverse. Again, do this movement slowly (2 sec down and 2 sec up). Attempt 10 reps on each side. Rest and then repeat. Once you find this easy add one 2-3 lb hand weight and hold it at mid-thigh when lifting your leg.

    For you upper torso - overhead press and reverse curl. Overhead press = put 2-3 lb hand weights in each hand. Hold hands with weights in a 'T' or 'field goal' formation. The weights should end up at ear level and keep your upper arm square. Lift both hands above your head, bring the weights together until they touch and reverse the movement. Again, do this slowly. Control is key! Reverse Curl = tilt at a slight angle forward at the waist. Place the 2-3 lb weights in each hand. Lift the weights up to your shoulders so that your palms face outward. Attempt 30-50 reps.

    Hand weights are about $3 at Target. :-) Good luck!
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Strength training, strength training and more strength training. There are two very different components that make up your body shape. One is muscle and the other fat. I tend to think of my cardio workouts as my fat losing exercises and then I think of strength training as muscle building. Many people opt for cardio only because they get quicker results with the higher calorie burn (of course), but building the muscle is equally important for a lasting loss and to get your figure back. Losing fat alone will not give you the shapely physique you seek, it will just make you smaller. Building up your god given body underneath the fat will give you excellent posture, a tight little booteh, it will pull in your gut, and add definition to your arms & legs. It is worth it, and it will help with the loose skin too!
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    go on about.com and look up some yoga and pilates exercises! They work areas that are hard to work and yoga is the only work out that gets rid of toxins. Good for those hard to work out spots that you're referring to!!
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    I would say that slow and steady will win the race!! Skin is a tricky thing.....if you lose weight and tone at the same time maybe you will have better luck with the skin. Lose the weight slowly so your skin has time to change with your body!! Best of luck to you!!!

    Make sure you keep your skin well hydrated (lotions, water etc) so that it will maintain its elasticity while you lose. I also found using light weights helped with chest, shoulders and arms.
  • AJAdkins
    AJAdkins Posts: 30 Member
    Lotion!! Also make sure you are doing weights and working all the muscles. I'm a very heavy girl and so far my skin is staying nice, but I have the same worries. I do a lot a resistance training, which is GREAT for weight loss. I did a lot a research before I started so that my work outs would be more effective. I do the Elliptical and I go slower than all the other people but my resistance is typically twice what theirs are on. It is also GREAT for your bones, you're at the prime age right now to get in shape. We stop building bone mass in our early thirties and resistance training helps build and strengthen your bones. Sorry, I'm kind of going off on a tangent about bones. lol. So skin, Almond milk is also suppose to be amazing for skin, I've noticed a HUGE difference since I started drinking it and its WAY less in calories and cholesterol than reg milk.
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