Peeing like a racehorse...



  • boobee32
    boobee32 Posts: 450 Member
    well...YES!!!!! I stay in the bathroom here at work....I know they get tired of seeing me go back and forth..I go 10 - 20 times a day, depending on how much i drink. I also have to get up several times a night, especially if i drink it past 7,which i try not to do...because i hate waking up to go...but...I want to get my water in if i have to drink it late, then i do. Its all part of the process...your body will adjust a bit, if you keep it up...but you will still be going alot.
  • SaLandrum
    SaLandrum Posts: 141 Member
    All the water is actually very good for you .....

    I worked for a doctor who told me that if i was not taking a potty break at least once every two hours I was not drinking enough water.

    The kidneys process 30 cc of urine an hour regardless of whether or not you are drinking any fluids. If you are not drinking anything your body re-absorbs the fluid for normal body functioning .... the concentrated fluids are harder for the kidneys to process ( increase risk of UTI and Kidney/Bladder stones) and you end up keeping impurities in your body instead of eliminating them.

  • redhead91
    redhead91 Posts: 251
    I think we have the same problem. I have to pee every 20 minutes almost. And when it hits I have to go RIGHT THAT MINUTE! I too HATE getting up 3-4 times a night to go. This happens even if I don't drink right before bed. I can't help you, but you're not alone!
  • So glad I'm not alone :)

    You'll be pleased to know, I made it home safely yesterday... It's a little sad though that when I open the door and shout "Honey, I'm home", it's directed at the toilet, instead of my other half.

    Oh well, can't have everything!!!
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