Less than 3 months until my Wedding!

So I have less than three months until my wedding. Any good crash dieting tips?


  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    Congrats!!! But I dont think there is really any crash diet that would help not if you want to make the change permanent. Sorry =0(
  • jessicaflick
    HCG Diet
  • RoniDoll
    RoniDoll Posts: 262
    tip: don't crash diet. in 3 months you can lose 15 pounds in a healthy way.
  • kamechaf
    kamechaf Posts: 87 Member
    Drink plenty of WATER!!!! The first week I lost 10 pounds by exercising and drinking water! Good luck and Congrats!
  • RoniDoll
    RoniDoll Posts: 262
    HCG Diet

    This "fad diet" is dangerous. Don't do it.
  • sncvb
    sncvb Posts: 2
    Hey! I have 5 months until my wedding! I have found a lot of help with Advocare product and they are already on here. I started logging my eating and exercise yesterday. Before I found this site I lost 26 lbs in 1 1/2 months with Advocare. Now I need to lose 10 - 15 more to fit my wedding dress the way I want to : ) I did the 24 Day Challenge and then stayed on the MNS phase until I reached my goal. Let me know if you want info on it!!!
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    So I have less than three months until my wedding. Any good crash dieting tips?

    Cut an arm off?
  • UnoDiamante
    UnoDiamante Posts: 356
    Try the metabolism miracle..its really good..its a lifestyle thing so its not a "crash diet" but it will help you lose almost 100% fat so if you lose 10 lbs of fat, it will LOOK and FEEL like 20! ...there are 3 steps (step 1 is 8 weeks).. :)

    Good luck!
  • UnoDiamante
    UnoDiamante Posts: 356
    Also, like someone above said, drink LOTS of water..I found I lost some weight just by drinking 10-12 cups of water a day and walking..it helps flush out toxins and retained water.. :)
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    tip: don't crash diet. in 3 months you can lose 15 pounds in a healthy way.

  • mom2threeQTs
    mom2threeQTs Posts: 21 Member
    I agree what everyone above has said. However, I understand your desire to want to lose as much as possible prior to your special day. I would advise that you exercise daily, and that you focus on eating veggies. Eat lean protein and fibre rich foods as well, but you will find yourself lose more quickly if you eat mostly veggies. Also, do NOT eat any junk food for the next 3 months. Let your wedding cake be the first dessert you eat in months. I lost 33 lbs my first 3 months just by eating healthy (without working out). I'm sure you can too!
  • SkiDoo189
    SkiDoo189 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks everyone! I've got 3 months and 12lbs to lose. I think I can do it. Have a bad knee though so I have to lose it by eating better and I've been drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day.
  • AllyS7
    AllyS7 Posts: 480 Member
    Three months is plenty of time to loose a healthy amount of weight, depending on how much you have to loose to begin with.

    Do it the right way, the healthy way.
  • Mkmassey3
    Mkmassey3 Posts: 214 Member
    I have a friend that lost a ton of weight using Botanical Slimming Gels. She went from 130 to 102. She is like 4'11. She swears by them. I've chose to do things the natural way. Exercising and eating right, LOG, LOG, LOG! BTW< SkiDoo's ROCK!!! Good Luck!
  • nickeb82
    nickeb82 Posts: 10
    I have been on the 17 day diet for 8 days and lost 8 lbs! Just by eating healthy moderate exercising. Its a wonderful program!
  • SkiDoo189
    SkiDoo189 Posts: 11 Member
    I've heard a lot about the 17 day diet. What types of food does it consist of?
  • FlabtoFabChick
    SLIM IN 6 is a great home workout to use to get those inches off and weight down in 6 weeks. I have a group of ladies that are doing it now. We are in week 3 and they are really seeing changes in their bodies! I am actually doing it with them for support as their coach but I can say it's a very effective workout to be used to get the weight down for an event such as yours. Also, some are using the meal replacement shake called Shakeology which is helping even more with their progress. If you want more information, you can contact me directly! But it can be done and I can help ya! :-)
  • noltes2
    noltes2 Posts: 202 Member
    Oh my gosh, are you looking for trouble by asking about crash dieting on this forum??? LOL watch your back around this place!!! I am probably going to get yelled at for posting this too, but I am ready! THIS IS JUST MY OPINION, AND JUST WHAT ME AND MY FIANCE HAVE DONE, AND THIS IS JUST MY TWO CENTS!!! Okay, so I am actually getting married in 3 months too and have 13 pounds left to get to my goal of 140 (down 42). I can share my personal plan and my fiances plan with you - not for CRASH dieting, but for healthy weight loss. My fiance lost 45 pounds in 3 months by doing MFP calories and 90-120 minutes of cardio 6 days a week. Now he just has 15 pounds left and has dropped his cardio sessions down to 1 hour per day + weights 3x weekly and is back to losing 1-2 pounds a week. He never starved himself, he didn't deprive himself, he was just eating his calorie goal on here and burning massive calories. If you want more tips message me or my fiance (integrapunk67).

    Here is my plan:
    - 90-120 minutes of heart pumping cardio 6 days a week - literally this has to be a long session taking up a good chunk of your life. If you are serious about this then you need to have LONG sessions.
    - 2 days a week of strength training - this is important too! I don't rest between sets to have a higher calorie burn and work my full body (i.e. for legs I do leg extension, leg press, hamstring extension, inner hip abductors, calf raises, outer hip abductors, squats and lunges)
    - Eat 1200-1400 calories per day (per my goal on MFP, but eat whatever your goal is). Burn more calories than you take in, do the math, make a spreadsheet. Take your calories burned in a day, daily activity, how many calories you plan to eat, then figure out how much of a deficit you need. The end! No crash dieting necessary, and no weight gain post wedding necessary either!
  • SkiDoo189
    SkiDoo189 Posts: 11 Member
    @ noltes2: sounds like a great idea but I got in a bad accident over the winter and have a bad knee. I am very limited on the amount of exercise I can do. I do strength training for my upper body. Doctors say the only cardio I can do is swimming. Put a damper on my life because I lived in the gym. Thanks for the ideas though. I guess I just need to be real strict with the dieting and not going out to eat as much.
  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member
    HCG Diet

    This "fad diet" is dangerous. Don't do it.

    Any diet that has a name is usually bad! Nothing replaces eating better and working out.