Help - What should I eat to consume my exercise calories tod

I am trying hard to kick off another 5kg, having already achieved a 7kg loss over 6 months though sensible eating and taking up triathlon. I am still triathlon training but on 1200 calories a day to shed a bit more weight - mainly to improve running, and I am still overweight.

I have never had this dilema before, but I I still have 692 calories to eat today and I am not at all hungry!!!! Ihave just cycled 33 km over 68 minutes - laps of a measured track and good watch, so it is accurate. Anyways, that works out at approx 18 miles an hour, so it has given me an extra 994 calories. I have just had my supper (baked potato, cheese and ham plus banana) and I can't have anymore protein today.

Any ideas? I was thinking maybe a fruit smoothie?


  • Beebs33
    Beebs33 Posts: 262
    A fresh fruit smoothie is good. I add almonds to mine when I need to do that. They don't make me feel overstuffed and they can really help boost your calories. Do you do any protein shakes? I have one after my evening workout. It can help fulfill your calorie needs and helps with muscle recovery. I mix it with almond milk so I can get calcium on top of that.
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Why can't you have any more protein?
    Unless you're severely under on carbs/fats, it never hurts to add protein.

    Normally if I have extra cals and I'm not really hungry I'll eat a grilled cheese sandwich, or peanut butter and jelly with a glass of milk.
  • ktanderson05
    ktanderson05 Posts: 207 Member
    If you do a fruit smoothie make sure you make it, and you don't buy one from the local coffee shop or something, because those are usually just loaded with sugar and have no nutritional value. I would maybe see about adding some protein to the smoothie as well to make you feel fuller and longer! :)
  • waterbabeAD
    Thanks! I have some protien powder and ground almonds, but according to my food diary I am over my protien... maybe I should pop in just a little almond (which I prefer)? I know it is better to have extra protien after a work out..
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Going over on protein really isn't a problem. I try my best to go over on protein. 200+ grams a day for me usually.

    If you have the extra calories, protein is gonna be most beneficial in helping recovery. I'd do a protein shake with some peanut butter and milk in it.
    You get a good mix of carbs/protein/fat.
  • BArdovino78
    I am always over on my protein. bmontgomery87 is right, don't worry about going over on that!
  • scmom24
    scmom24 Posts: 1
    I agree in that you can probably add more protein and be safe. Protein will feed your muscles and not be stored as fat so you should be good. I like to make shakes with 8 oz milk, one scoop chocolate protein powder and about a half cup frozen fruit. I really like strawberry, peach, and banana blend in that. Makes 1 serving at about 285 calories.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I am always over on my protein. bmontgomery87 is right, don't worry about going over on that!

    Same here. MFP's protein goals are set pretty low. I aim to go over in protein, honestly.
  • Beebs33
    Beebs33 Posts: 262
    I try to have my grams of protein = my total pounds. I normally don't get quite that high but I try. Protein helps build lean muscle.
  • waterbabeAD
    Good point about the protien. I am just trying to follow MFP to the letter to get this obsinate extra weight off. Unless I eat a whole cow, any extra protien consumed will be absorbed into my muscle tissue so thanks for the reassurances. The cheese sandwich is a good idea, but I had one at lunchtime.

    Glad I am on the right lines with a shake - going for fresh papaya, strawberry and orange with ground almonds. working out the calories will be interesting. I make all my own shakes, usually with whatever fruit I have in the fridge. I am a bit of a health food freak and consume as little processed food as possible. But it is so true on all things nice and prepared - either full of hidden sugars or salt. thats why they taste so good of course

    Thanks for all the input everyone.
  • chris_elizabeth
    chris_elizabeth Posts: 49 Member
    Totally agree with some of the other posters on here! Protein is great for you, I also love indulging in a peanut butter and jam sandwich or some extra tuna for some filling proteins with a good amount of calories. If your scared that the protein is going to do harm ( which you would have to eat ALOT of to do so) drink extra water through out the day that you are consuming the extra protein.

  • waterbabeAD
    Shake was delicious - the almond/strawberry combination was really great - and it has bumped up the calories nicely. ONly 66 left, but I am totally stuffed!

    OK I get it now - totally OK to go over the protien when following MFP :-)