Why do people always want to give kids candy?!?!



  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    Also, I don't like the way junk is shown as a 'treat'. Everything in moderation, it's not a treat. My overweight friend see's it as a 'treat' and rewards herself with crap all the time. 'I deserve it' is her attitude.
  • mamabear0222
    mamabear0222 Posts: 455 Member
    What I detest is parents I know who's children live off crap. Nuggets and chips, pizza, burgers, McDonalds, crisps, chocolates... and this is all before they are of school age!

    If you can't be bothered to spend the time making your kid a meal, and hand it a packet of biscuits instead, you shouldn't have children.

    I completely agree. I dont know how many times Ive heard from Mom's .. my son will only eat tater tots, or french fries, or nuggets.
    Really? are you kidding me?
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Im not saying I dont want them to ever have it. But they are 2 yrs old, not school aged even.
    I made all their babyfood homemade and control what they do/dont eat.

    My main frustration is why is it assumed that all kids should be given candy?
    Im not saying candy alone will make them overweight but it's not something I feel they need at 2 yrs old.

    Even at the doctors office they want to hand out lollipops. Why does FOOD have to be a reward?
    I just think it starts young children down the wrong path ...

    Because you live in America, where candy is the iconic treat (back when a piece of candy was a penny and the first thing a kid did was run to the corner market when he got a penny)

    Yeah I had to break the sucker habit from an 18 month old! People think its the best treat because when kids eat it they calm down while eating it and generally stop whatever bad behaviour they were doing to begin with AND/OR it reinforces the good beahviour now that they have a treat.

    My wonderful 2 year old asks me for apples, oranges, bananas, carrots, and eats salad almost nightly. And he STILL wants M&Ms every time we check out at the store (darn marketing right by the registers.....)

    Even when we go to Sprouts (primarily organic, local produce, gluten free, wheat free, organic specialty products) they have gluten free cookies at the check out.

    YOU can always reward your children in another way. YOU can make that choice. But when YOU allow OTHERS to care for your children you have to realize that person isnt always going to do what YOU would. ESPECIALLY in a daycare setting where they have to deal with TONS of different parenting styles. You always have the option of finding an in-home sitter with your same views & philosophies OR a nanny if you cant stay home an monitor them constantly.
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    not to mention the rotted teeth. I am amazed at how many parents i see today letting their kids survive on poptarts and soda.

    As a Dental Assistant I can tell you the Sugar isnt what rots your teeth, not properly ceaning the sugar off is what rots your teeth.

    You have natural living bacteria on your teeth, yes Cariogenic foods (easy to digest sugars) is what this bacteria eats, and when it eats it it poos out acid which eats away your enamel BUT "healthy" raising, fruits, veggies, crackers all have cariogenic properties.

    So you can certaintly eat or drink it if you are working off the calories you are ingesting (for kids PLAYING!) AND properly brushing your (or your childs) teeth. Most children ARE NOT capable or properly brushing their teeth until 7 years old which means *gasp!* YOU should be brushing your 6 year olds teeth after letting them do it!

    Whew! I was thinking I was being "crazed parent" insisting I brush my sons teeth until just recently. He's 7!

    Haha Nope you are not a "crazed parent". I probably am because I brush my two year olds teeth 3 times a day and have no issue holding him down for it either, but he also has to brush his own EVERY time he sees an adult brushing their teeth :D Makes me so proud!

    You probably have a lower dental bill and your child has less dental anxiety as a result! Something every dentist is actually happy to see! Believe it or not GOOD dentists LOVE having children that only need to come in every 6 months for a normal check up!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I think its because that's what kids want...and its easier to let them have it, than listen to them whine or complain. When I stopped letting my daughter drink soda, and I started cutting back on the amount of sweets she could have...oh geez did she whine....and pout...and whine....and complain...and pout some more....oh and try to reason with me why soda was healthy lol.... So I'm just saying...I think some people feel its easier to just give them what they want than put up with all that. And if one kid in a class gets a candy goodie bag...well its not fair to everyone else if they don't get one.....

    When I started this, I decided that my daughter doesn't need to be eating handfuls of junk everyday. I want her to realize being "thin" isn't directly linked to being healthy. Right now that seems to be the frame of mind her and her friends have. I'm not fat, so that means I need to eat 10 pounds of candy, but so-and-so over there is chubby, he needs to eat carrot sticks....

    She definitely does not have a weight problem. She is active, and a skinny mini....but does that mean she needs to eat cake for breakfast and drink 10 gallons of soda through the day? No it doesn't.

    I still let her have candy, chips etc occasionally...and well...when she's at grandmas house for a weekend because I have to work there is no stopping the chaos of junk food that happens. But for the most part you can see the difference between her actions now, and other kids.

    An example...we went out to eat with my whole family. My brothers kids ordered Burgers, Fries, and soda. My daughter, got chicken nuggets, asked if she could have fruit instead of fries, and ordered apple juice for the drink....all without me having to prod at her to do it. She isn't always this good about it, but that day was a good day for me, to see her decide herself to make a better choice.
  • BryanAir
    BryanAir Posts: 434
    I never have the urge to give anything edible to anyones kids. :smile: :smile: Not even on Halloween. I probably have a reputation in the neighborhood.:tongue:
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I completely agree. I dont know how many times Ive heard from Mom's .. my son will only eat tater tots, or french fries, or nuggets.
    Really? are you kidding me?

    This drives me nuts. Even before I moved our family towards more healthy eating. But I was brought up in a family that said "you eat what we give you, or you starve"..... I have a cousin that is a picky eater...she won't eat ANY vegetables, she barely eats any fruits...all she wants to eat is fatty greasy meats (like bacon & sausage), processed or fast food.

    I love my aunt, but when we visit watching my little cousin throw a fit because she doesn't like 99% of whats on her plate...watch her pick the bacon off a BLT and throw the rest away, and then eat a giant bowl of ice cream, and have candy afterwords ticks me off....
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    I completely agree. I dont know how many times Ive heard from Mom's .. my son will only eat tater tots, or french fries, or nuggets.
    Really? are you kidding me?

    This drives me nuts. Even before I moved our family towards more healthy eating. But I was brought up in a family that said "you eat what we give you, or you starve"..... I have a cousin that is a picky eater...she won't eat ANY vegetables, she barely eats any fruits...all she wants to eat is fatty greasy meats (like bacon & sausage), processed or fast food.

    I love my aunt, but when we visit watching my little cousin throw a fit because she doesn't like 99% of whats on her plate...watch her pick the bacon off a BLT and throw the rest away, and then eat a giant bowl of ice cream, and have candy afterwords ticks me off....

    My daughter used to be pretty picky when she was 3 & 4, but she would eat pretty much any veggie or fruit, chicken, peanut butter, etc...but she refused to eat other types of meat or fish (although she did like bacon LOL). She would lock up and wouldn't try it. So I just compensated by giving her loads of chicken, turkey, etc...protein powder in her milk, etc... She would eat her weight in apples, grapes, oranges, peaches, strawberries, and anything with peanut butter - she even liked salads! But when the babysitter would serve burgers for lunch, she would have a bun w/ peanut butter.

    I started getting her to take "just one taste" of certain things and she started liking more meats, she finally had her first burger in 2008. So she's only been eating red meat for 3 years now. LOL She still makes faces when I serve spinach. I do have to admit spinach never looked that appetizing to me as a kid....all wilty and soggy...but I loved brussel sprouts and broccili and everything else!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Absolutely all the children who weren't allowed sweets when I was a child went nuts on sugar when they started buying things themselves.
    There are worse things out there. A bag of sweets every so often does not a fat child make. I'd worry more about chips and fries and burgers. And cake. How many adults go on about cake? Yuck. It's the things adults obsess about that people get fat on.

    My oldest son can't have food colourings, so a lot is ruled out for him, I am vegetarian, so no gelatine, and I don't let them have boiled sweets in case they choke, but a bit of chocolate is fine! I think fizzy sweet drinks being seen as something to have every day is a million times more of an issue. My children have never had coke and never will in my house. They can have lemonade maybe twice a year, if I'm being nice!