Looking for some kind of weight lose pill to help speed thin



  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Focus on your nutrition and your training.

    After those are on point, if you still want to supplement, then ask the question.
    But get those two things on point first.
  • If you HONESTLY want to take diet pills, try Oxy Elite. You can get it from GNC. Only take it for 90 days. My trainer has me taking them and I am almost through with the bottle. They are completely safe and approved. I have been on a mission since that last week of February 2011 and have lost 20 pounds. I have 10 more to drop by June. The pills have no side effect and are completely natural. Hydroxycut and others as such are very bad and unhealthy...

    i read up on this and the ingredients...and was quite impressed from the regular same ol same ol you can get at CVS.

    and i bet tho youre doing a hell of a lot more than just popping pills and sitting back which is what most people looking for "miracle cures" do. people tend to forget that YOU are the reason YOU lose weight - you can't just take the pill and think it'll work. fine, take a pill but you still have to watch wahtyou eat and move your *kitten*.
  • Thanks everyone but what about water weight pills or green tea pills ?

    They're still temporary and quick fixes. Water pills will just dehydrate you and can be very dangerous unless you have a medical necessity for them. Green tea pills act as an appetite suppressant which will return when you stop taking them. If you don't eat ENOUGH you won't lose weight in a healthy manner either.
  • acually to loose 40 pounds by july its only 10 pounds a month very do-able! FYI

    you have all of May and all of June plus the approx. 2 weeks in April thats left... even if you meant the end of July, thats still more than 10lbs a month (40 lbs in 3.5 months)

    10 pounds in a month would be do-able if you have a lot of weight to lose but if you only have that 40 to lose, you are not going to be able to pull off 4 months of losing 2+ pounds a week. No way to do that in a healthy way. Sorry. Its hard enough to pull off 4 solid months of 2lbs/week weightloss when you have 100 lbs to lose. Pleateaus happen. Sometimes it will come off fast, and other times it will be astonishingly slow. Like others have said, just do the hard work and let it take the time it takes. You can start out fast ,but plateaus and adjustments will happen along the way. Learn from your journey else you will be bound to repeat it over and over...
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Don't do the pills... for one thing they ARE short term, and they only do what you're supposed to be doing anyway. None are approved by the FDA except one. That's Alli. The only thing it does is keeps your body from absorbing fat. HOWEVER: it says that you have to eat a balanced meal and everything with it, which is what you're supposed to be doing anyway! You don't need to waste $50 a bottle to take a pill to tell you this. Really the only way to go is diet and exercise. It sucks, but it's true :) You got this!

    I am going to correct you on this, ALLI is the only FDA aprooved OVER THE COUNTER weight loss medication. There are 5 (deending on which country you are in) FDA aprooved PRESCRIPTION weight loss medications.

    I will not get on my soap box in this thread about my feeling on medications because I have used them (Yes successfully where the weight stayed off) There are ALOT of factors she has not given us that would jurisdict the ability of a Dr to prescribe these drugs.
  • live2smyle
    live2smyle Posts: 592 Member
    This is an FDA approved diet aid and it is the only one I would take:-) Good Luck!!!
    I barely trust the FDA for regular food let alone diet pills :smokin:
  • mishelnkiki
    mishelnkiki Posts: 775 Member
    To lose 40 by July? Only drink water. BAM weight loss and a good chance of death.
  • Kolohe71
    Kolohe71 Posts: 613 Member
    acually to loose 40 pounds by july its only 10 pounds a month very do-able! FYI

    Even if you meant the END of July (14 weeks away), you'd still need to lose nearly 3 lbs a week.
  • This is an FDA approved diet aid and it is the only one I would take:-) Good Luck!!!
    I barely trust the FDA for regular food let alone diet pills :smokin:

    where the hell did i put my agree button? and why the hell areyou smoking? LOL
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    This girl did not say she was looking for a miracle cure... she is looking for something to complement her work that she is already doing. The ones of you who jumped down her throat, are not going to help her. This site is to help people. Explaining to her the reasons you don't believe in it is exceptable, but telling her exactly how she gained her weight and that she is going to fail... that's not why we are here!

    I don't believe in diet pills. I took some calle meta-slim I believe it was, they revved up my metabolism but made me super sick and unable to digest food properly... and once I went off them My esophagus burned and my metabolism was so slow that I could eat almost nothing but still managed to go from 160-190 in two months...

    I strongly advise against it, but if you were going to try one... Alli is FDA approved, you can have uncontrollable bowel movements and greasy farts tho... so ew...

    Also ten pounds a month is not impossible. You just need to make sure you are eating no processed foods, lots of fruits and vegetables and keeping your metabolism active all day. You also need to make sure you do lots of strength and cardio. It will happen eventually and as long as you eat a healthy amount of calories you shouldn't hit a plateau.

    Good Luck.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    Don't do the pills... for one thing they ARE short term, and they only do what you're supposed to be doing anyway. None are approved by the FDA except one. That's Alli. The only thing it does is keeps your body from absorbing fat. HOWEVER: it says that you have to eat a balanced meal and everything with it, which is what you're supposed to be doing anyway! You don't need to waste $50 a bottle to take a pill to tell you this. Really the only way to go is diet and exercise. It sucks, but it's true :) You got this!

    I am going to correct you on this, ALLI is the only FDA aprooved OVER THE COUNTER weight loss medication. There are 5 (deending on which country you are in) FDA aprooved PRESCRIPTION weight loss medications.

    I will not get on my soap box in this thread about my feeling on medications because I have used them (Yes successfully where the weight stayed off) There are ALOT of factors she has not given us that would jurisdict the ability of a Dr to prescribe these drugs.

    Just so everyone is aware... ALLI blocks 25% absorbtion of fat... which means that you just crap it out... which is why one of the most common side effects of ALLI is and I quote " oily anal discharge"

    Please sign me up!!! I want some of that!
  • PirateJenny
    PirateJenny Posts: 233
    Water pills cause you to lose just that: water. The scale will read differently, but there is no "real" change in your body. Losing excess water weight comes with proper hydration, low sodium intake and exercise.

    Often it is water your body needs to function. For the most part, the only people who should be taking diuretics are those who have been prescribed them by a doctor for legitimate medical reasons.

    Green tea pills may sound healthier, but are essentially caffeine pills and can cause the same health issues as any other stimulant.

    Losing weight quickly for an event or by a deadline may sound harmless, but only if you do it in a healthy and reasonable way. Other methods are counterproductive and potentially dangerous.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    Also... fat leaves your body through your pee... so dehydrating your body so you don't pee is WAYY counter productive!
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    I am actually quite proud of all the people who suggested working for it! It is not a quick fix... if you go the quick route it will all come back on. Move more and avoid processed foods! Keep at it, it will happen!
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    Don't do the pills... for one thing they ARE short term, and they only do what you're supposed to be doing anyway. None are approved by the FDA except one. That's Alli. The only thing it does is keeps your body from absorbing fat. HOWEVER: it says that you have to eat a balanced meal and everything with it, which is what you're supposed to be doing anyway! You don't need to waste $50 a bottle to take a pill to tell you this. Really the only way to go is diet and exercise. It sucks, but it's true :) You got this!

    I am going to correct you on this, ALLI is the only FDA aprooved OVER THE COUNTER weight loss medication. There are 5 (deending on which country you are in) FDA aprooved PRESCRIPTION weight loss medications.

    I will not get on my soap box in this thread about my feeling on medications because I have used them (Yes successfully where the weight stayed off) There are ALOT of factors she has not given us that would jurisdict the ability of a Dr to prescribe these drugs.

    Just so everyone is aware... ALLI blocks 25% absorbtion of fat... which means that you just crap it out... which is why one of the most common side effects of ALLI is and I quote " oily anal discharge"

    Please sign me up!!! I want some of that!

    LMAO! :laugh:
  • fsugirl26
    fsugirl26 Posts: 207
    Girl, it took me about 9 months to lose 40lbs!! It's much easier on your body if you take your weight loss slow and steady. The more balanced your weight loss is, the more likely you are to keep the weight off once you reach your goal. You don't want to lose weight in an unhealthy manner (ie: taking pills), just to gain it all back in a few months.

    Aim for 2lbs/week starting off - that'll give you at least 20lbs by July (you could probably lose more if you really commit yourself). Eat whole foods, cut back on starches, sugar, and sodium, eat a ton of protein, and work your butt off to burn calories. There's no miracle pill out there - just patience, hard work, and healthier eating habits.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    There is no magic pill, honey. The secret ingredient of the secret ingredient soup is... NOTHING. It's all you, baby!
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    This girl did not say she was looking for a miracle cure... she is looking for something to complement her work that she is already doing. The ones of you who jumped down her throat, are not going to help her. This site is to help people. Explaining to her the reasons you don't believe in it is exceptable, but telling her exactly how she gained her weight and that she is going to fail... that's not why we are here!

    People are far too sensitive on here. I don't think any poster on here is going to help her, if she is determined to drop so much weight so quickly, she will no doubt try a few pills, hardly eat, do stupid diets like cabbage soup/Atkins etc... This site is for support and guidance, yes, but we also need to be honest.

    Why did we gain? Eating too much, not moving enough. We've probably tried all the diets under the sun. Diets are for the lazy, who can't be bothered to eat better and exercise. So are diet pills.
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Don't do the pills... for one thing they ARE short term, and they only do what you're supposed to be doing anyway. None are approved by the FDA except one. That's Alli. The only thing it does is keeps your body from absorbing fat. HOWEVER: it says that you have to eat a balanced meal and everything with it, which is what you're supposed to be doing anyway! You don't need to waste $50 a bottle to take a pill to tell you this. Really the only way to go is diet and exercise. It sucks, but it's true :) You got this!

    I am going to correct you on this, ALLI is the only FDA aprooved OVER THE COUNTER weight loss medication. There are 5 (deending on which country you are in) FDA aprooved PRESCRIPTION weight loss medications.

    I will not get on my soap box in this thread about my feeling on medications because I have used them (Yes successfully where the weight stayed off) There are ALOT of factors she has not given us that would jurisdict the ability of a Dr to prescribe these drugs.

    Just so everyone is aware... ALLI blocks 25% absorbtion of fat... which means that you just crap it out... which is why one of the most common side effects of ALLI is and I quote " oily anal discharge"

    Please sign me up!!! I want some of that!

    LMAO! :laugh:

    Flip that around phentermine (adipex) can cause constipation, to the point when you do finally poop youve lost 5 lbs.

    Alli is actually a weaker version of a prescription, hence why it is FDA aprooved OTC (like claritin, zyrtec & allegra used to be prescription for allergies and are now OTC)

    I would never choose Alli but dont judge some who has. You dont have to recoomend it but you also have NO REASON to be rude!
  • The pills I suggest- EXERCISE AND EATING CLEAN. That is the only way you willkeep it off. :-) Sorry.
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