Looking for other ladies 25-35 that want to exchange tips an

ijustfollow Posts: 8
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hi Ladies,
My name is Jessica, I am 29 years old and started myfit in March of this year. I lead a pretty sedimentary life right now...I am a full-time College student, a wife and a mom of 2 little girls so my days are pretty packed and exercise is more of a pipe dream...so most of my weight loss is by eating less though portion control and healthier options :)

A little bit more about me....I live in Savannah, GA but was born and raised in Tampa, FL., I want to be a Radiation Therapist when I grow up :) (2 more years of school! :), and I have two beautiful little girls that are 3 and 4 years old. After having my girls my weight started to get out of control and by December 2010 I weighed 204lbs!! and even at 5'9 I was considered obese...very very unhappy with my weight and my self image! So, I did what any rational woman would do...I had a tummy tuck! Which helped my tummy but only knocked 8 pounds off... who would have thought, right! After recovering I again did what any rational woman would do... I went back to eating junk again! In March I realized that maybe I was not being a rational woman and decided I needed to do something about this! So I picked up my IPhone to see if Apple had an app to solve my woes :) and OFCOURSE it did!!! LOL

I have lost 13 lbs so far (woot woot) but still have 30 more to go (booooo-hisssss). I am a jokester but I do take myfit seriously! I pay close attention to my nutritional information, never go over my daily calories, and am more likely to over charge myself calories than under charge (why lie to yourself). Anyways, I recruited 3 of my besties but they have all kinda dropped out on me so I am looking for new people to talk tips and motivate!!

I kinda use the "what's on your mind" as a journal and write something daily :) and I write my little "tips and tricks" a few times a week of cool stuff I have tried or info I have found. (ex. Jess tip #254 craving a snickers bar? Found Kudos at Publix today! Only 100 calories and you guessed it they have snickers flavored :) Bought and tried...not too shabby! Different texture (b/c its a granola bar) but full snickers taste! 2 thumbs up in my book!)...

I am not a health nut! I am not an exercise buff! I do have knowledge of healthy living and nutrition, I am a health major after all..so that goes along with the territory. I am a regular person with regular tastes. I find that, for me personally, I can not switch to salad salad and more salad or I'll sleep walk and eat a gallon of chocolate fudge ice cream along with a bag of doritos! I find that I can eat the foods that I like and crave but still lose the weight by portion control and slight alterations by trading out high calorie items with low calorie items. I think of my calories as money (I am a thrifty person...4 person family with one income...so this works) and find myself being more choosey when "spending" them.

*My weaknesses are: chocolate chocolate and more chocolate :) ....and soda....and most food LOL did I mention I <3 FOOD???

*My strengths are: I like to try new healthier foods, I like to encourage and be encouraged, I can take criticism without my head
exploding, and my motivation to lose this weight is ridiculous!!

SO.....If you are in the same boat as I am, have the same thoughts about weight loss or think that I might not bug you TOO much LOL then please add me or friend me... how ever that works

SW: 193 March 2011
CW: 180 as of Saturday the 17th
GW: 150 ...TBD... hopefully sooner than later :)

Jess :flowerforyou:


  • Hi Jessica,

    I think I'm in a similar situation. I gained a lot of weight after i had my (now 3 yr old) daughter. I got up to 206. I know only what the average person knows about nutrition and exercise but I know everyone needs support. I initially downloaded the myfitnesspal app on my iphone only to keep track of my weight but have recently decided I need to use it for more than that if I want to get these last 30lbs off. Feel free to friend me if you'd like.

  • Awesome, thanks sent and sent :)
  • j_fattler
    j_fattler Posts: 94 Member
    Hi there! I would love to exchange tips and things too. I am a 29 year old mom of 2 & also lead a pretty sedentary life (desk job) - so I'd love to give & receive some support/encouragement/motivation/kicks in the *kitten*!!
  • Awesome! I probibly could use a few kicks in the rear, ever so often :)
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