new to site

Good Afternoon,
I am a mom to 4 wonderful kiddos doesn't matter how we came to be family - we all just are! I have had a terrible time lately finding the inspiration to get me active again. My goal is to run in the Disney half marathon, acutally would love to do the enitre marathon but afraid to sign up and not make it. I need to learn to make better food choices and be active instead of stuffing food into my mouth when I get stressed or depressed about life. Hoping to find some great people on here to motivate and encourage me to my weight loss goals and overall healthier lifestyle!!!


  • mandyschalk
    mandyschalk Posts: 93 Member
    Hello and welcome!! I hope that you enjoy this site as much as I do! Its great!!
    Add me if you want!
  • talysshade
    talysshade Posts: 273 Member
    Hi! Welcome to MFP. I'm so familiar with the eat in a bad mood thing! I cram myself with french fries at those times.. however.. I've found with MFP that i can lose weight even without completely stopping that. I still eat french fries when i'm in a bad mood, but i eat less, and on the days that i do i plan a healthier dinner to compensate. Logging what you eat and tracking the calories really helps!

    Add me if you like :)