Fast and Easy Chicken Salad?

TabbyLeAnn Posts: 42 Member
Anyone have a really easy chicken salad recipe?

(the kind put on sandwiches)


  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    Yep! I grill mine on the little counter top george foreman, small amount of light mayo, oregano, garlic powder, and a little parm cheese. That's it, and it's excellent!
  • ekicinsk
    ekicinsk Posts: 92 Member
    Last week I did shredded chicken breast (that i'd boiled) fat free plain yogurt, horseradish mustard, green olives & banana peppers....and salt/pepper/onion powder. It was pretty darn tasty. I didn't measure anything though, so I can't help there! (I was playing "use things up from the fridge before you move")
  • Dnsnyder
    Dnsnyder Posts: 263 Member
    If you have baked/grilled leftover chicken to use, it tastes best, but you can substuite canned chicken if you want (I don't care for canned chicken...too salty, doesn't taste as great as fresh chicken).

    Diced chicken
    Lowfat/Reduced fat mayonnaise (I don't use a lot, just enough to lightly coat chicken)
    Fresh celery, chopped
    Fresh onion, chopped
    Black pepper, celery seed, and other seasonings to taste

    You can also add raisins, cranberries, and/or apples if you like that type of chicken salad.
  • sing1998
    sing1998 Posts: 38 Member
    i keep canned chicken breast on hand. i also buy the rotisserie chicken at the grocery. then, i use 2 oz chicken with either ranch or miracle whip and some chopped grapes. i love this as a sandwich for my work lunch!
  • knetterk
    knetterk Posts: 107
    That's one of my favs!! I usually just buy the canned chicken. I mix Light mayo/olive oil, minced onion sometimes pickle juice.... or maybe cut up celery. I eat it by itself or of course on a wheat bagel/bread.
  • TabbyLeAnn
    TabbyLeAnn Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks! They all sound great