About to give up...



  • DKBelle
    DKBelle Posts: 585
    I know I was so shocked the first time too :) BUT I changed and now I can say I lost 2 pound in 3 days :P before there were no fat moving anywhere on my body and I figured that so many people were right when saying my body is in starvation mode. Worth to try, but you have to exercise to get the best result. For exercise you can visit:

    Good luck!
  • smiley01x
    smiley01x Posts: 93 Member
    Check out if you really eat the right calorie amount. You might have a same problem like I, that your body is in starvation mode!

    Ok this is making me nervous. It says I should be eating almost 400 more calories than MFP says! but I guess there's no built in deficit, so it's basing it on the assumption that I will have the same exact workout schedule each week? I'm a little confused and worried now that I'm not eating enough and that's why my weight loss has been so sluggish.

  • agdeierl
    agdeierl Posts: 378 Member
    Check out if you really eat the right calorie amount. You might have a same problem like I, that your body is in starvation mode!

    Ok this is making me nervous. It says I should be eating almost 400 more calories than MFP says! but I guess there's no built in deficit, so it's basing it on the assumption that I will have the same exact workout schedule each week? I'm a little confused and worried now that I'm not eating enough and that's why my weight loss has been so sluggish.


    Yeah, and at the same time, I am not that quick to trust a random website that apparently requires you to workout the same each week to determine your calories....I mean, I've gotten so many different numbers from websites, I don't feel like I can just give them all a try! I will f***ing LOSE it if I gain from upping my calories...I just wish someone knew exactly what I should do! I guess I'll have to see a dietician for that!
  • robertf57
    robertf57 Posts: 560 Member
    MEASURE EVERYTHING that passes your lips. DON'T just guess. We routinely overestimate the calories we burn and underestimate what we eat. Next, cut WAY back on the carbohydrates. That will help with hunger pangs and cravings. Finally, don't give up. You CAN do this!

    Good luck.
  • staciekins
    staciekins Posts: 453 Member
    Check out if you really eat the right calorie amount. You might have a same problem like I, that your body is in starvation mode!

    Ok this is making me nervous. It says I should be eating almost 400 more calories than MFP says! but I guess there's no built in deficit, so it's basing it on the assumption that I will have the same exact workout schedule each week? I'm a little confused and worried now that I'm not eating enough and that's why my weight loss has been so sluggish.


    Yeah, and at the same time, I am not that quick to trust a random website that apparently requires you to workout the same each week to determine your calories....I mean, I've gotten so many different numbers from websites, I don't feel like I can just give them all a try! I will f***ing LOSE it if I gain from upping my calories...I just wish someone knew exactly what I should do! I guess I'll have to see a dietician for that!

    You also have to realize, it is factoring in exercise...it isn't your deficit, just your total and doesn't take into account what you actually might burn.
  • jojoworks
    jojoworks Posts: 315 Member
    you don't state starting weight, just that you want to lose 10 lbs. maybe you are already at an ideal weight....its harder to lose weight when you're already at or close to your ideal healthy weight. maybe you need to reexamine your goals to determine if you really need to lose weight, or what your ideal goal weight should be.

    if you were eating 3,000 calories a day and not obese I'm guessing you lead a very active life and have a very active metabolism. eating only 1200 calories a day on top of all that activity may not be a good thing for you.

    I'm no expert, just wondering...
  • lovinmamaxo
    lovinmamaxo Posts: 368 Member
    Check out if you really eat the right calorie amount. You might have a same problem like I, that your body is in starvation mode!

    omg, according to this i need 1440/day for fat loss.. :T oops. 240 calories short a day... maybe I should give it a try... :)

    This can't be right... it's saying i need 3,048 calories for weight loss i eat no more than 1,400 and i've lost 20 lbs so far... strange.. and MFP has me at like 2100 or so.
  • Khamerta
    Khamerta Posts: 23
    you don't state starting weight, just that you want to lose 10 lbs. maybe you are already at an ideal weight....its harder to lose weight when you're already at or close to your ideal healthy weight. maybe you need to reexamine your goals to determine if you really need to lose weight, or what your ideal goal weight should be.

    if you were eating 3,000 calories a day and not obese I'm guessing you lead a very active life and have a very active metabolism. eating only 1200 calories a day on top of all that activity may not be a good thing for you.

    I'm no expert, just wondering...

    Yes, I weigh 142 lbs, I am not over weight, but I don't at all live an active lifestyle, I'm horribly lazy (at least all winter) thats why I say that I don't care if I lose "pounds" I want to lose "inches" really I just want to get in shape, but at this point I'm feeling like I can eat 3,000 calories a day and probably just add some sort of physical activity and get there....
  • jojoworks
    jojoworks Posts: 315 Member
    you don't state starting weight, just that you want to lose 10 lbs. maybe you are already at an ideal weight....its harder to lose weight when you're already at or close to your ideal healthy weight. maybe you need to reexamine your goals to determine if you really need to lose weight, or what your ideal goal weight should be.

    if you were eating 3,000 calories a day and not obese I'm guessing you lead a very active life and have a very active metabolism. eating only 1200 calories a day on top of all that activity may not be a good thing for you.

    I'm no expert, just wondering...

    Yes, I weigh 142 lbs, I am not over weight, but I don't at all live an active lifestyle, I'm horribly lazy (at least all winter) thats why I say that I don't care if I lose "pounds" I want to lose "inches" really I just want to get in shape, but at this point I'm feeling like I can eat 3,000 calories a day and probably just add some sort of physical activity and get there....

    I hear ya....
    maybe eating in a more healthy, mindful matter, tracking what you eat and engaging in some good physical exercise will get you in shape. It can't hurt! You may not see the inches change as quickly as you'd like, but being healthy is a reward in and of itself!