
I am 18 years old and am getting married July 2nd, 2011. My current weight is 207 and I would like to get down to 190 before the wedding. I work out for an hour 4 or 5 days a week and have quit drinking pop for the most part. I used to weigh 160lbs until I got on the depo birth control shot. I was on it for about 6 months and in that time I went up to 214. I finally said screw that and quit getting it, and I am no longer on any form of birth control. It is really hard for me to lose weight and I don't understand that. I know I need to clean up my diet a little more (which I am working on) but does anyone have any helpful fitness routines for the gym, or diet tips? Thanks!


  • sing1998
    sing1998 Posts: 38 Member
    it's really important to find what will work for YOU! most of us fail because we follow someone else and it doesn't work for our lifestyle. i find walking to work best for me. i also find time at work to work out in some form. maybe just walking up and down the hallway or stair climbing. i've been known to step up and down on a stool at work...really anything that makes you move. recently i'm trying small things like standing on one foot while waiting in a line, talking on the phone, etc. doing waist stretches while watching TV , handwashing dishes instead of using the get the idea. just to move a little more and burn a few calories without putting myself out!