Holly Bobo....

JEK717 Posts: 1,497
Is anyone else following the Holly Bobo case. I cant help but stop and think about how horrible it is. I had the worst though today too. There are a lot of new volunteers but what if one of them is the actual person who did it. You never know. I feel so sorry for that family.

Just though it would be nice to talk about it, send out some group prayers or just let them all know we are thinking of them.


  • Elizabeth91495
    I totally agree. I was listening to the news this morning (I live in TN), and her cousin was in an interview. They were saying that they have a ton of volunteers, and to wear pink if you can to support her safe home-coming. Such a sad situation, though. She is definitely in my prayers!
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    Thanks for commenting. My step mom has a cousin or something that lives 4 miles away from their house. They were searching their property to see if they found evidence of her being dragged through their.

    It is so sad that she was grabbed on her way to school but what is up with the brother?

    I keep telling myself he didn't do it but then again one never knows. I sure hope he didn't. Some say he saw her being dragged but that he thought it was her boyfriend.

    Stay safe Elizabeth:)
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I certainly hope they find her alive. If the brother saw her being dragged and did nothing about it, that seems suspicious to me. I don't care if he did think it was her boyfriend, if he saw her being dragged, he should have done something. But I agree, I hope he didn't do it either. So sad. I'm keeping her in my prayers.
  • TentionSpeak
    I have been watching this too.My brothers family lives in Coolierville so it worries me to know that it happened in Tn. I have lots of family there so i hope they find whoever would do this.

    It is just horrible to know that someone would do such a thing but it warms the heart to see how many people are willing to search for her. I guess it really is United We Stand!