300+ that have taken clomid or ttc

Just curious...I'm obviously trying to lose weight before i get pregnant to be healthy. I'd really like to know if there are any woman out here that were over 300 pounds and actually conceived...or if you have pcos and used clomid and had a successful pregnancy. Please tell me your stories...your weight....and is there any hope for me in the near future with trying to conceive =)


  • kittyinaz
    kittyinaz Posts: 300 Member
    To be honest, if you eat clean and start losing weight you may not need Clomid. I was always told I would need it and i was infertile without it but when last year I dropped 20 lbs (after a year and a half with no birth control) I got pregnant. Due to conflicting blood types I miscarriage but I firmly believe that eating healthy can change your body and the way it regulates hormones to be able to conceive.

    So be careful unless you want one right now lol, because as you start losing your body nah change rapidly and be like "oh, ok! I feel better, let's do this!"
  • aochoa123
    aochoa123 Posts: 299 Member
    With my last baby I weighed about 316 when I found out I was pregnant. It is possible but I did have borderline blood pressure problems the whole time. The more you can loose beforehand the better you'll be. Wishing lots of luck.
  • crystal_loga
    crystal_loga Posts: 106 Member
    I was 225, have PCOS and Endometriosis and was ttc for 3 years before my Dr put me on clomid/provera rounds. It took me 6 months with my Dr doubling my clomid doses every month before I finally ovulated. By the grace of God we conceived on that first ovulation!
    Don't give up! I was told over and over that I needed to loose weight if I wanted to get pregnant. All my life I struggled with my weight and was never able to loose anything. I wanted to loose weight but just couldn't do it, and didn't have the right tools until now. Continue your journey using MFP (it can't hurt) and I'll be praying for you to be blessed with your miracle.
    I know we were one of the lucky ones to get pregnant that fast, and it breaks my heart when I hear of others going through the uncertainty of infertility.
    Keep your head up!
  • LeonaB17
    LeonaB17 Posts: 304
    My highest weight was 327 - and my PCOS was so bad at that weight I had gone 2 years without a cycle and my testosterone was so high my doc thought I might have tumors on my adrenal glands!! Thankfully I didn't - and the fear of all of that kick started my devotion to losing weight and getting healthy. Anyhoo -my doc wants me under 200 before I even think about trying to conceive b/c of all of the health complications and dangers that can be associated with being obese and pregnant. Plus my chances of getting pregnant would be much higher at a lower weight. Just going by what I have been told and have seen, I would think you would need to get at least to 250 before getting pregnant for your sake and the baby's sake. But obviously I'm no expert. Have you talked to your doctor about this or are you going by what you have seen/heard other people do?
  • Asomething
    Asomething Posts: 62 Member
    My story is long but I'll try to condense it. I was at my lowest weight, 135 (I'm only 5' tall so I was still overweight) when I first conceived (no meds), immediately started gaining. Miscarried at 17 weeks. Coulnd't get pregnant again, used something to bring on a cycle (maybe Provera??) & Clomid off & on for a year upping the doses each time, couldn't conceive. Had a bad reaction to the highest Clomid dose (couldn't stop bleeding). Doc had us "take a break". Got pregnant during the "break". Lost that one at 9 weeks. Doc referred me to an Endocrinologist specializing in fertility. Waited 4 months to get in to see specialist, diagnosed w/PCOS by this doc (oh, and found out I was pregnant at the doc visit and miscarried the next week). By this time I had gained about 65lbs and was at 200. Doc prescribed baby aspirin, Metformin & Clomid. Got pregnant again and success!!! Had 1st baby (was on progetserone suppositories for the 1st trimester & continued the Met throughout the pregnancy). Followed same regimen 18 months later for second baby, got pregnant right away & had no problems (still on Met & progetserone). Had a "surprise" nearly 4 years later and was preggers again. This time had a completely med-free pregnancy & healthy baby. My (non-pregnancy) weight stayed right around 200 until I stopped breastfeeding baby #3 & gained about 15 lbs.
  • kristarablue
    Hey Punky, with my first child we tried for a year and you know how it goes, sex is great and fun until it becomes work and you have too because it is the "right" time or timing it so that there is at least 36 hours in-between so that the buildup of sperm is better and the massive amount of vitamin C or the boxer shorts you make your husband wear or taking the right kind of cough medicine to make it easier for the little suckers to swim for home, even standing on my head for 20 min after sex (ok, so I am a geek and probably spent entirely too much time researching and reading about possible infertility and tricks of the trade to solve it). Ask me about breast feeding, I can recite books to you...ah but I digress. I was heavy, not 300 but heavy, we went through lots of testing (fun stuff let me tell you), then I took clomid (I have heard it is easier the more weight you lose). I convinced my husband to go to a bed and breakfast to have the least stressful environment as possible and waaallaaa I was knocked up!!! Happiness!! I will tell you for my second, I did not have to try, and just somehow happened (you know, the birds and bees stuff). I have heard case after case of people becoming pregnant quickly after experiencing great difficulty becoming pregnant with their first. Good luck to you. Read, research and talk to your doctor. Good luck, don’t give up hope!!