Another GUT-BUSTER for you guys!!

Hey folks,

For those of you that tried the Bob Harper workout I posted yesterday and are wanting more... here's one from the latest Oxygen Abs Edition magazine! It's a completely body-weight circuit, so it can be done ANYWHERE. You'll be huffing and puffing when you finish this one, I promise you! Here goes...

THE PLAN: Following the order below, do one set of each exercise for the alloted time before immediately moving on to the next move in the circuit. After completing all eight exercises, rest for 15 - 30 seconds, and repeat the eight-move circuit once more for a total of two circuits. If you have more than six months of exercise experience, or really want a challenge, try completing the circuit a total of three times.

*** A single circuit takes less than six minutes, so try to work with whatever time you have! ***

1. Squat jump ..... 30 seconds
2. Push-ups ..... 30 seconds
3. Diagonal arm lift ..... 30 seconds
4. Single-legged Romanian deadlift ..... 30 seconds (repeat on each leg)
5. Arm-leg drop ..... 30 seconds
6. BURPEE! ..... 30 seconds
7. Front-back lunge ..... 30 seconds (repeat on each leg)
8. Side plank ..... 30 seconds (repeat on each leg)

Descriptions for some of the moves:

1. Stand with your arms along your sides, feet slightly more than shoulder width apart. Keeping your head up, squat down until your thighs are parallel to the ground. As you lower, bend forward slightly at your waist so that your shoulders move forward in front of your feet at the bottom of the squat. Immediately jump straight up as high as possible, raising your arms at the same time. As you land, swing your arms back as you sink into a squat, then explosively jump upward again. Repeat for duration.

3. Start in a modified push-up position with your forearms on the floor, hands together and your legs extended straight behind you. Keeping your eyes on the ground, slowly extend your right arm forward, up and slightly to the right - you should be balancing on your left forearm only. Lower your right arm, then repeat by extending your left arm forward, up and slightly out to the left. That's one rep. Repeat, working both sides equally.

4. Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart, arms hanging in front of you with your hands balled into fists. Riase your right foot, keeping it a few inches off the floor directly behind you. With your knees slightly bent and back perfectly straight, flex forward from your hips, raising your right leg behind you, to lower yours fists to the front of your shins. Return to the starting position by pressing through your standing heel; repeat. Complete all reps on your right leg, then switch.

5. Like on your back and raise your arms and legs straight up. Lower your right arm and right leg without touching them to the ground, then raise them back up for one rep. Repeat the move with your left arm and leg for one rep. Lower your left arm and right leg for another rep, then lower your right arm and left leg. Last, lower both arms and legs. Repeat this series until your set is done.

7. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, arms by your sides. Step forward with your right foot, bending your right knee until your thigh is parallel to the floor. Push yourself back up, raise your right foot off the floor, then step your right foot behind you into a reverse lunge. Return to the starting position, complete the set on your right leg, then perform the move with your left.

8. * For a challenge, try raising your arm that you are not balancing on toward the ceiling (ie: side plank with arm raise)

I'll be back tomorrow with another workout for everyone to keep things fresh. Enjoy!


  • DST513
    DST513 Posts: 140 Member
    bump....this will be tomorrows exercise
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    Bumpng for later, thanks!
  • QueenofCups
    QueenofCups Posts: 365 Member
    ooh, these are good!
  • CuteAndCurvy83
    CuteAndCurvy83 Posts: 570 Member
    A lot of these are on my biggest loser workout for the wii! I love bob!
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    A lot of these are on my biggest loser workout for the wii! I love bob!

    This workout isn't from Bob Harper though :) It's a workout from the Oxygen Magazine, compiled by the author of the Ultimate Dumbbell Guide. However I'm sure a lot of workouts floating around how several similar exercises, and they're all awesome! :)