RUNNER'S, I need your help! Swelling.

HelenTheKitchen Posts: 383
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
So I've been running for about three months now and always encounter some slight knee pain on the day of the run. I've always considered this normal because I'm a new runner and my muscles still need to build. The pain has since become a lot lighter.

Until yesterday!

I went for a four mile run outside and felt great, it was however an extra mile longer than my usual run. I cooled down with an easy walk afterwards and stretched out, but my knees (both of them) have since swollen up about 50%. The rest of my legs are a little swollen, but mostly my knees. I'm not in a ton of pain, but I can feel the pressure from the swelling. What is this? What should I do? Running is still very new to me, so I don't know what's normal and what's not.

Any help? I'm more than willing to call my Doctor, but I don't want to go in for something normal that is just part of the process.



  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Go to the doctor. I have been running for nearly a year now and never had that.
  • forkeeps
    forkeeps Posts: 79 Member
    I second that...Call the doctor
  • NoExcuseTina
    NoExcuseTina Posts: 506 Member
    swelling is never normal...go see the doctor
  • tarazena
    tarazena Posts: 93 Member
    ICE THEM until you get to the doctor! That will help
  • chattychick
    chattychick Posts: 90 Member
    I've been running on and off for ten years. It sounds like it could be a very bad case of runner's knee, but the others are correct- you need to go see a doctor. If it is runner's knee there are these black knee strap things that sporting good stores sell that can help, but honestly the best thing to do is to listen to your body and back off running for a bit
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I've been running just liiiiittle bit longer and haven't had anything like that. I've felt tightness and lots and lots of aches, but never had any visible swelling.
  • theseus82
    theseus82 Posts: 255 Member
    Agreed. Go to the doctor, ice them, and consider giving up running.

    All runners eventually are bicyclists, once their knees break down. Do yourself a favor and switch to biking, walking, or swimming.

    If you want an intense workout, go with biking or swimming laps. You'll thank me in 10 years. . .
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Agreed. Go to the doctor, ice them, and consider giving up running.

    All runners eventually are bicyclists, once their knees break down. Do yourself a favor and switch to biking, walking, or swimming.

    If you want an intense workout, go with biking or swimming laps. You'll thank me in 10 years. . .

    I don't think I'd go THAT far. There are runners in their 50s, 60s and 70s at all the races I've been to, and some of them are damn fast! There's this old dude who dresses like a Leprechaun who kicks *kitten*!
  • hellen72
    hellen72 Posts: 144 Member
    Def not normal c dr or sports physio
  • shouts12
    shouts12 Posts: 87
    Agreed. Go to the doctor, ice them, and consider giving up running.

    All runners eventually are bicyclists, once their knees break down. Do yourself a favor and switch to biking, walking, or swimming.

    If you want an intense workout, go with biking or swimming laps. You'll thank me in 10 years. . .

    Wrong! New study says moderate running actually IMPROVES your knees!
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member

    If you want an intense workout, go with biking or swimming laps. You'll thank me in 10 years. . .

    swimming can be one of the worst things for your knees actually
  • DavidH85
    DavidH85 Posts: 19
    Last time I had swelling and pain like that, I had twisted and sprained my ankle badly. You don't need a hospital (they try to squeeze every penny they can out of you) but you do need to at least see your doctor about it asap!
  • Thanks all! So I went to the Doctor this morning, but not just for my knee. I noticed when I had woken up that I was swollen in a couple of other places (fingers, feet, face), and itchy. Turns out I had broken out into hives (which is very common for me after a lot of sweating, I know, fun to know about me right?) and I was just focusing on my knees because I had a little bit of knee pain. So I took some allergy meds and wouldn't you know it, the swelling went right down. HOWEVER, I don't feel like a total idiot because he does think I have a slight runner's knee and told me to get a patella band, get fitted for a really good pair of running shoes, and is sending me podiatrist to get my arches checked out. He wants me to lay off the running for about a week even though I'm having surgery in a week, so it will be more like five weeks. Oh well, at least it's nothing serious. Thanks again!!!
  • posted twice, sorry
  • I don't know your running experience so forgive me if you already know this but I'll offer a few rules of thumb that I follow to avoid injury when restarting a running program...

    - Increase my weekly mileage by no more than 8-10% per week
    - Increase my long run mile no more than 8-10% per week
    - Every fourth week cut my long run in half for a rest week
    - Start with new shoes from a running store and replace them every 300 miles
    - Stretch after every run
    - Do resistance training to prevent muscle imbalances
    - Take rest days. This means different things for different people. I personally don't run 2 days in a row, but for more experience runners this may mean running at a slower pace or shorter distances between hard runs.

    I ran track in high school and years later kept getting hurt when trying to restart because I was increasing my mileage too quickly. Following these rules has kept me out of trouble since then. Good luck!
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