When to do cardio?

I heard that the fastest way to lose belly fat is by doing cardio in the morning before you eat anything. Is this true? Has this worked for anyone???? Thanks!


  • lynnie_1
    lynnie_1 Posts: 87 Member
    no one knows?
  • BabyDuchess
    BabyDuchess Posts: 353 Member
    Funny you should ask.......I recently posted a ? on my wall about the fact that I'm not seeing inches lost but pounds, whereas most ppl see inches lost vs. pounds. So one of my friends responded and said maybe it's visceral fat, which is around the organs especially in apple-shaped ppl, which I am. Made sense to me, but guess what this means to me? I have only eaten once before my morning workout and that was Monday.....hahaha....So I guess I would have to agree with that theory!
  • spaztastic13
    You want to eat to jump start your metabalism i like working out in the morning cuz i have energy for the rest of the day!!!!!!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I have just started going to the gym in the morning before breakfast. It's only been a couple of days so I haven't seen results yet. But, my husband read something in his weight lifting websites about that being best for you. Hopefully it works, I'm pregnant again and certainly don't need anymore fat in that area!
  • jennro7781
    jennro7781 Posts: 208
    Dr. Oz did a show on this last month. He proposes you wake up, poop, brush your teeth, weigh in and then workout. This way you're burning off the fat that is on your body and not the fat that you've just eaten. I eat a very small breakfast (mostly fruit) before I workout, only because I spend about 3 hours of the late morning at the gym and would be starving afterwards if I didn't eat anything. Good luck!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Dr. Oz did a show on this last month. He proposes you wake up, poop, brush your teeth, weigh in and then workout. This way you're burning off the fat that is on your body and not the fat that you've just eaten. I eat a very small breakfast (mostly fruit) before I workout, only because I spend about 3 hours of the late morning at the gym and would be starving afterwards if I didn't eat anything. Good luck!

    Lol, I wish I could poop right after I wake up!
  • lynnie_1
    lynnie_1 Posts: 87 Member
    Thanks maybe Dr.Oz is where I heard that from I love that show!!! I'm going to try it and hope for the best!! Hopefully it works!