Running Tips Please?



  • BeeHummingbird
    I agree with watch out for the impact of running on your body.
    I do like interval training but I actually raise the level every minute for five minutes on the treadmill, so I am walking up a hill at a good pace and then return to the beginning and start again another five and so and so on.
    I do this with all the machines I go on.
    If I am walking in my area I choose hills a lot.
    This also makes the time go fast and a great work out.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I started it yesterday, and I'm not going to lie, my hips feel out of place, and my joints hurt so bad that stretching makes me groan. I have that "oh my god I have to run tomorrow" feeling. Seriously it hurts, and I only ran for 4 minutes and walked 25...I'm also doing the C25K with a podcast. But I'm going to keep going, I have a year to learn how to run 5K, that's my first race. If you want to do it you will, if you don't, just walk like you mean it. But it's hard, and it's mentally draining, I'm just hoping in the end I will be succesful and proud.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I also recommend going and getting your feet fitted for good shoes, that is the biggest piece of advice I can give you, running with bad shoes or inappropriate shoes will be seriously detrimental to your goals.
  • Sadie98072
    Sadie98072 Posts: 212 Member
    Good shoes and a great sports bra if you are a lady - both are super important. As are rest days between the runs. The c25k is only meant to be done 3 times a week.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    It takes time and discipline. As many people have stated C25K works great, or you can just increase the time/distance you run each day until you gradually walk less and less of your time.