Jackie Warner results???

I have been dieting & exercising SInce Jan. 4th 2011 & have lost 23lbs so far. I have been doing ALL of Jillian Michael's dvds. I knew that this plateau was going to come sooner or later & it finally has. I have not lost weight in 2 weeks now. So I have decided to try Jackie Warner's Time Saver Power Circiut & her Total Body Workout. I started this Monday & I was just wondering if anyone has seen good results from her dvds???


  • 6Pk2Go
    6Pk2Go Posts: 105
    I love the Power Circuit DVD but don't use it consistently enough to judge the results. I like to mix it up alot. I did it on Monday for the first time in a while and incresed the weights. I am still sore today so that makes me happy :o)