Who screwed up today?



  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    I did so good all day and then totally blew it tonight.

    I ate 2 chocolate chip cookies, and had a Dairy Queen twist cone.

    Went over on calories and sugar

    you gotta live! a friend on here said to me that losing weight is a marathon, not a sprint! as long as u get back on track, it's all good. it's ok to have a cheat day or treat yourself. just work it off during the week!!!
  • mkennedym
    mkennedym Posts: 253 Member
    i ate 6 pieces of pizza, drank a can of coke, and had 2 glasses of chocolate milk, and ended up 100 cals under because i burned about 900 calories at the gym today.

    if you "mess up" just walk on the treadmill or ride a stationary bike for a couple hours. what hurts you is sitting around doing nothing physical.
  • lizalmp1234
    lizalmp1234 Posts: 311 Member
    I burned 600 calories at the gym today and over ate for dinner now i am negative 500 :(((
  • SuperMoniMonk
    SuperMoniMonk Posts: 467 Member
  • SuperMoniMonk
    SuperMoniMonk Posts: 467 Member
    Yep!!. I went grocery shopping and those evil doritos jumped into my cart. When I got home they somehow managed to pour themselves into a bowl ( a couple of times) and made their way over to me. I had no choice....

    ok I enough of that crap..... I screwed up ROYALLY today!

    Tomorrow is a new day for those of us who screwed up :)

    lol POOR YOU !!!
  • skinnyhopes
    skinnyhopes Posts: 402 Member
    negative -1579.
    10 mins of exercise.
    Over everything.
    Ate 3 donuts and lots of fried indian food.

    At least it wasn't -4029 like last week.

    It'll happen slowly.
  • smvamp
    smvamp Posts: 32
    I TOTALLY screwed up today. Was on a good track...until I hit the movies w/the kids. Had some nachos and cheese...and when I came home to record it...found out I had consumed OVER 800 calories!!:sad: I was DEVASTATED!! But I exercised, and will start fresh again tomorrow. Grt lesson for me though. I will never eat that again at the movies. Or at least....I'll share them w/two other ppl!
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Sort of, but by going under. Had a massive headache all day -think it was weather related--so I decided to just lay down around 4PM. I woke up at 11:30PM! Oops!

    So I didn't eat enough. But on the plus side, the headache finally is gone!
  • KadieA
    KadieA Posts: 167
    I did! I did! I think I do every day. I had a bag of doritos (habenero-hard to find) and a brownie cookie thing. I was still under my calories but I don't want stuff to accumulate. Then I had no time to work out so I couldn't burn the fat and cals I ate.
  • maygans
    maygans Posts: 196 Member
    It's just a day. So what? I bet today was better than most of the days you had before you decided to improve your health.

    You know what? I never thought of it this way. I've been so stressed lately because I'm going on a trip in 1 week and have a thousand things to do before I go, and yesterday and today I just have been SO HUNGRY because it's getting to be that special time that happens every 28 days....and I was feeling really down about overeating! But both days I was still far under my maintenance calories and yesterday I even worked out a little (today was no dice) so...why am I getting depressed and stressing about it?

    Thanks for the reality check!
  • monkeybelle83
    monkeybelle83 Posts: 141 Member
    I've been screwing up the past couple days. When I get sick, I have absolutely zero appetite. My calories have been under 1000 since Monday. I hope I get to feeling better soon so I stop forcing my body into starvation mode. Blech.
  • ciara19
    ciara19 Posts: 19 Member
    Heck yes! I ate my weight in unhealthy food today! Blehhhh
  • jrusso28
    jrusso28 Posts: 249 Member
    i ate 6 pieces of pizza, drank a can of coke, and had 2 glasses of chocolate milk, and ended up 100 cals under because i burned about 900 calories at the gym today.

    if you "mess up" just walk on the treadmill or ride a stationary bike for a couple hours. what hurts you is sitting around doing nothing physical.

    Your 100% right.
    Gotta get off my a@@.
  • jrusso28
    jrusso28 Posts: 249 Member
    Did it.

    Got on the stationary bike for 45 min.
    Killed those calories from last night.
  • amyoliver85
    amyoliver85 Posts: 353 Member
    Did it.

    Got on the stationary bike for 45 min.
    Killed those calories from last night.

    Good for you! That is what we call "creating balance". Just remember. There is no such thing as a cheat day. There is no such thing as "going off track". Someone else here put it good when they said that losing weight is a marathon, not a sprint. And that even with the extra calories you were most likely having a healthier day than any day prior to your decision to change your lifestyle.

    I never recommend calling it a diet. Diets have a beginning and an end. I never call it getting into shape. Because that also has a beginning and an end.

    Don't worry about anybody else but you. And try not to worry about you so much. This tool isn't here to layer on the guilt. It's here to help you see where you've been, where you're at and where you're going. You make adjustments based on what you see and you move on.

    And back to your and your awesome stationary bikeness: GO YOU!!!
  • CalPolyBronco
    CalPolyBronco Posts: 201 Member
    Sometimes we learn MORE from our mistakes then we do from being perfect. Every day is a new day, and as long as you don't let those kind of days become a habit....it's no big deal. In fact, if we cut ourselves a little slack from time to time, we don't feel "uber" deprived and we have an easier time staying on track overall.
  • Evjones28
    Evjones28 Posts: 70
    Did it.

    Got on the stationary bike for 45 min.
    Killed those calories from last night.

    Woooooohhooooooooooooooo !!!:drinker:
  • SuperMoniMonk
    SuperMoniMonk Posts: 467 Member