beginner runner



  • bbb84
    bbb84 Posts: 418 Member
    I too have the mental block... I've been doing c25k , week 5 now but I keep watching the clock or waiting for that little ding to tell me to walk. I would love to just zone out, my mind wants me to stop I really feel my body could keep going.... soo frustrating!
  • mamajess82
    Have you tried listening to music? Sometimes that helps me. Other times I think about 1 thing - yes, 1 thing - and everytime my mind wanders, I bring it back. I suggest you choose something interesting - LOL. At the moment I like thinking about my holiday and it helps me focus. Let me know how you get on! x
  • mamajess82
  • NicolePatriot
    NicolePatriot Posts: 621 Member
    lilRicky - I was getting shin splints soooooo bad so I bought some special $10-$15 inserts for them. Voila, that seemed to solve my problem immediately. :)

    Also, this is kind of weird but I chew a piece of gum while I'm jogging and I find myself not "counting down" until I can stop. I'm focused on my gum and music..maybe I'm just a dork, lol.
  • JJinWI
    JJinWI Posts: 197 Member
    "Whenever I run on a treadmill,I pick a spot on the wall and focus on it,it eases my pain"

    That's exactly what I do at home. There is a large, green container of ant killer across the basement from where I run on the treadmill. I focus on that and it works. Don't know why, but it does. I also do and have the tv on, but I find it hard to watch the tv when I'm running. I just focus on that green container :smile:

    When I feel like stopping, I tell myself it's only a relatively short time - I'll soon be done - and the feeling that I get going to bed that night after a good workout is THE BEST - a great sense of accomplishment is wonderful!
  • tristahenry
    tristahenry Posts: 175
    I need help, too! My whole life, I've never been a runner. I've been told I don't know how to breathe properly. But when I try, I end up hyperventilating! Suggestions are welcomed!

    There's no such thing as breathing wrong... it's something your body does naturally. If what you're doing naturally works for you do it. Whoever told you that is misinformed.
  • Tacosmamma
    Tacosmamma Posts: 39 Member
    I have been trying really hard to get better running... I did a 5k tonight on the treadmill in 39minutes and 55 seconds.. That is good for me.. I run in intervals... from 4mph to 6mph... I never thought I could run 6mph but it is getting easier and easier. Last week I just tried running one mile and getting a good time there.. My best time was 11minutes and 55 seconds. I used to get the bad pain in my side and have trouble breathing. I just crank up the ipod and stay focused!
  • misssuperstitious
    Running IS such a head game! When I'm running inside I watch Encore Westerns ;) ...when I'm outside, and it's snowing and blowing, and I'm in the middle of a 20 mile run, I think about all the people that would give anything to be able to run 20 feet, let alone 20 miles....THAT'S what keeps me going :flowerforyou:

    You can do it, just add a little more time every day, don't worry about the distance yet.

    As for the breathing, you can do it wrong. The key is to inhale slow and big through your nose, and exhale slow and controlled out your mouth, like you're blowing through a straw....or so I was taught. :smile:
  • happy_vegan
    happy_vegan Posts: 200 Member
    you just have to find a way to get your mind off of running while doing it! when i run on a treadmill, i cover up the time & distance and I don't stop running until my body says to. and if i'm outside, i turn my music up super loud to drown out my thoughts. sounds weird, but it works for me!

    it's the only way i can get myself to do it too. if i see how far i've run or my time it just drags on and on. without it and with ample distractions (tv programmes, music) i'm totally ok! so keep yourself stimulated!! if nature does it for you go on the trails, if you like the city, find the closest urban running loop :)
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    I've been a runner my whole life. Now I do triathlons, and some days are better than others. On tough days, when my mind is chatty and lazy, I make deals with myself. "I'll run for another minute" or "I'll run to the end of this block". When you reach that goal, reassess. Make a new goal. "I'm going to run until I get to third street", then "I'm going to run over the bridge". You can fool your brain into thinking that you're going to let it win, but all the while your feet are running the show. I learned this technique from a guy who made these periodic bargains and assessments over the course of an entire Ironman Triathlon. That's 140 miles, folks. It works. Soon, your brain learns how little power it has, and you'll have some amazing, freeing runs.

    Good luck!
  • swanny320
    swanny320 Posts: 169 Member
    When I first started running my friend gave me some great advice and I tell myself this ALL the time when I run. When you want to stop, just ask yourself?, "Am I hurt or injured?" If not, keep running!"