So my name is Adrianah and I am 31 years old with 2 boys. I have done this dieting thing time and time again only to end up blogging about my failures. My children are getting older and active and I find it hard to keep up. I decided at the beginning of this month I was gonna try something different with this whole dieting thing, and actually eat HEALTHY! Thats right good old fashioned healthy. Lots of protein, veggies, and fruit. And completely eliminate my #1 enemy.....SODA POP!!! I'm coming at this with a whole new angle. And I have been working out 3-4 days a week. For those ladies who dread the gym as much as I do, try ZUMBA. Its a lot a fun and you don't realize how fast that hour goes by. Plus you WILL make new friends, whom will keep you on track by coming to every class too. My boss recently told my about my fitness pal and I LOVE it!! Its so nice to have a place to keep track of everything you eat. Its kinda become a game to me, to see if I can find the food already in the database. And keeping track of my progress as well as weight and measurements in one place, hmmm what can I say FANTASTIC! I am motivated this time, and with the hel of this community I BELIEVE I'M GOING TO MAKE IT THIS TIME!!


  • JP_Abstract
    Definitely sounds like you're on the right track. Whenever you feel somethings not working you gotta find a new way... same goes for workouts cause the routines should be switched up every 2 months they say... i personally say 4-6 weeks.

    Tracking everything you eat is definitely a fun game... it's kinda like budgeting, once you actually see what you're money is being spent on, you start to step back.

    Good luck, get ready to kill'em this Summer ;)