What made you chose your goal weight?



  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    When I initally chose my goal weight I remember being happy at 180 about 15 years ago... so thought I would aim for the moon and go for 10lbs less. Then I found out to my shock and horror I am not as tall as I thought I was. I have always said I was 5' 10", am big boned and can carry weight. Turns out that I am 5' 81/2! Guess I am not as tall as I was. Then I checked out my BMI with weighing 170 and I am in the overweight category... but losing an additional 5 lbs would put me in the normal range. So that is what I am going for!

    But... at the same time I am not tied to a number. When I get to where I feel great and comfortable with myself I will go with that.

    Good luck to all of us on our journeys!
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