Help - I've fallen off the wagon!!!

I need your help. I've been so good, then yesterday it was my day off work and I ended up grazing all day. I'm soooo anoyed with myself, and ended up not having any dinner because of it. Even so I ended up way over my calories. I did yesterday's food diary this morning and it was scary how many calories I ate, and even more scary that I've eaten way more than that other times - no wonder I'm overweight!
I do find it hard when I'm at home by myself, any tips?


  • SunnyJiggy
    I have the same problem, not realized how many calories I over eat. That the best reason of us to be HERE. Keep track on what we eat. I don't know exactly how many calories on each dish but at least I get some idea. If we fail today , we just have to do it better tomorrow. Don't be upset or annoyed at yourself. I eat sweet for breakfast cause I can't get over my maple syrup pancake but I eat salad with vinaigrette for dinner and snake on apple or fruit during the day. Believe in YOU!!!

    Good luck :)
  • lounphill
    lounphill Posts: 13
    Don't be so hard on yourself for a start. Everyone allowed a bad day, were only human after all. The fact that u have reconised it is good so start today afresh and dont beat urself up. x:flowerforyou:
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    Don't feel bad, i too have been slacking a bit everyday for the last week and a half! It happens to the best of us BUT most importantly, pick yourself back up EVERYDAY and keep at it, also, continue to exercise everyday if you can. even though i have been going over my calories by sometimes 1000, sometimes less, I am still trying and still exercising. TOM is coming I know and that makes it much harder to not overeat and yes it is frustrating but just keep trying everyday! It's ok if you fall every so often, it's a life style change and even the small changes count. If i look back to how i used to eat....2-3 pints of Ben & Jerry's Icecream EVERYDAY, even with my slacking off now, it's definately an improvment! And don't beat yourself up, it will only make you feel worse and have that Oh, I blew it mentality, i mise well just keep eating...Love yourself and be proud for what you are trying to do. Small changes makes for big results. you can do this, believe in yourself and I do feel your frustration, but it's not enough to give up on myself, not this time around! I'm in it for the long haul and I'm going to eat the foods i love and not deprive myself, just eat less of them. Keep up the good work, we can and will succeed! hugs
  • JunkFoodJane
    JunkFoodJane Posts: 150 Member
    Try finding something else to "do". Just watching tv or something that doesn't use your hands often leads to snacking. I do puzzles and knit, or go out for light biking or walking. Even if I don't burn a zillion calories at the park at least in those three hours I'm not eating!!
  • sojojoshua
    Its ok... ur weighing scale wont drastically go up in just a day. But, try to log in before each meal (so u will know if u r going overboard) SO THAT u can make, if something u r planning to eat is high in calories, u can opt for something lighter...and also if You first log in and then eat, u will try to stick to that and not grab an extra piece.... well, it works for me all the time...
  • EricJonrosh
    EricJonrosh Posts: 823 Member
    You haven't failed until you quit.

    How many calories did you truly go over? If you're at a 500 deficit, then take 500 off that overage and you ate at maintenance level. Then divide the rest into 3500 to see how much of a pound you "gained." You may not even gain it. Drink water when you get the munchies, it really does work as a first line of defense.

    Keep in mind, this is a long journey. Keep logging. Let your friends see your diary and that will help you make good choices.
  • berni88
    berni88 Posts: 3
    Stop punishing your self....loosing weight it hard,,you will have only failed if u give up and do it again today, everyone can have bad days ( ihad a chicken kebab on thusday night) and I feltlike you do now the next day....I went for a huge walk with the dog an mad an extra effort the next day to stay with my calorie goal... Chin up and keep going ur doing fab x
  • marielw
    marielw Posts: 126 Member
    Don't worry - you can get straight back on it again! :smile:

    I find it harder when i am at home - i'm much more disciplined at work. Try logging your meals/snacks as you are eating them - don't leave it all until the end of the day as you will have no idea how many calories you are eating.

    Try to have some low calorie snacks at hand at home, so you won't reach for the bad stuff!
    Good luck :happy:
  • sweetmanjd
    sweetmanjd Posts: 94 Member
    Try writing a brief paragraph about how that type of eating made you feel physically and emotionally. Think about how the food you chose to eat actually tasted. Were you ever actually hungry? how did you feel before/during/after you ate each item? What triggered you to eat when and what you ate?
    Rather than beating yourself up about it, try to think of these questions without judgment. Removed and logical.
    You might try jotting down some encouraging words on sticky notes. (corny, I know...but visual cues help!)
    You might keeping MFP up on your computer all the time and logging every food item directly after you eat (or even during preparation).
    Writing about all of this might help you the next time you have these choices to make (most likely daily/hourly like the rest of us).
    When I'm wrestling with temptation/cravings/boredom I try very hard to remember the last time I indulged in something crappy. Usually I remind myself that it tasted less-awesome than fresh food, that I felt emotionally and physically bad afterward, AND that it made me crave (physically - due to sugar) more of the bad stuff within an hour or two...creating more challenge too quickly.

    Best of luck to you!
  • vanja15
    vanja15 Posts: 1 Member
    I find it hard to keep on track sometimes... like today for instance! I think my blood sugar dropped because I had an inccurable craving for sweets. so I indulged. a lot. but its alright, nobody is perfect and it happens. I would strongly suggest you just move along as if nothing happened... dont ignore it and let it happen again if you can help it, but dont kill yourself over it. You're on a scary journey and you cant ace every single day. But you can sure give it your best! :smile:
    I agree with all the advice people have given you, its about control and making sure you have that little voice in your head telling you "NO! you don't need that!" good luck!
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    I find that I do best when my time and food are structured. I enter all of my food for the day in advance, so I know where I am at and whether I have any wiggle room that day. I also try to exercise at the same time everyday. Once you get into a routine it becomes easier. I also never go anywhere without my water bottle. Better to mindlessly drink water than snack. The most important thing is that you do not stress yourself out over one bad day. It takes time to recognize patterns a triggers and to implement changes that will work for you. Keep logging and looking back, especially on the most challenging days. After many ups and downs, I finally realized what foods trigger my cravings and now I can avoid them.

    Best of luck! Hang in there!
  • Cccaroline
    Cccaroline Posts: 196 Member
    I have the same problem, not realized how many calories I over eat. That the best reason of us to be HERE. Keep track on what we eat. I don't know exactly how many calories on each dish but at least I get some idea. If we fail today , we just have to do it better tomorrow. Don't be upset or annoyed at yourself. I eat sweet for breakfast cause I can't get over my maple syrup pancake but I eat salad with vinaigrette for dinner and snake on apple or fruit during the day. Believe in YOU!!!

    Good luck :)
    Thanks for your support - It's a new day and I am determind to do better!
  • Cccaroline
    Cccaroline Posts: 196 Member
    Don't be so hard on yourself for a start. Everyone allowed a bad day, were only human after all. The fact that u have reconised it is good so start today afresh and dont beat urself up. x

    You're right - thanks - I'm going out today and determind to be good!
  • Cccaroline
    Cccaroline Posts: 196 Member
    Don't feel bad, i too have been slacking a bit everyday for the last week and a half! It happens to the best of us BUT most importantly, pick yourself back up EVERYDAY and keep at it, also, continue to exercise everyday if you can. even though i have been going over my calories by sometimes 1000, sometimes less, I am still trying and still exercising. TOM is coming I know and that makes it much harder to not overeat and yes it is frustrating but just keep trying everyday! It's ok if you fall every so often, it's a life style change and even the small changes count. If i look back to how i used to eat....2-3 pints of Ben & Jerry's Icecream EVERYDAY, even with my slacking off now, it's definately an improvment! And don't beat yourself up, it will only make you feel worse and have that Oh, I blew it mentality, i mise well just keep eating...Love yourself and be proud for what you are trying to do. Small changes makes for big results. you can do this, believe in yourself and I do feel your frustration, but it's not enough to give up on myself, not this time around! I'm in it for the long haul and I'm going to eat the foods i love and not deprive myself, just eat less of them. Keep up the good work, we can and will succeed! hugs

    Thanks for your kind works of support. What an amazing weight loss you have achieved!!! I like dairy too - cheese was one of my downfalls yesterday, but today's a new day...
  • Cccaroline
    Cccaroline Posts: 196 Member
    Junk food Jane

    Wise words indeed!!!
  • Cccaroline
    Cccaroline Posts: 196 Member

    You're quite right - I knew I was eating too many calories, but didn't want to face up to it by entering it on my diary because I would have had to face up to not eating it. How mixed up is that!!!
  • Cccaroline
    Cccaroline Posts: 196 Member
    Thanks - drinking water sometimes workes for me too. Yesterday was just a bad day...
  • Cccaroline
    Cccaroline Posts: 196 Member

    Good advise.

    It was great to get so many replies. Thanks to everyone for your replies and words of support and advise, and good luck to you all in your journeys.

    Also, I've set up a ticker but it's only on my home page. How do I get it to appear on message boards like this???
  • Cccaroline
    Cccaroline Posts: 196 Member
    I think I've worked out the ticker..
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • keepitoff99
    keepitoff99 Posts: 117
    I need your help. I've been so good, then yesterday it was my day off work and I ended up grazing all day. I'm soooo anoyed with myself, and ended up not having any dinner because of it. Even so I ended up way over my calories. I did yesterday's food diary this morning and it was scary how many calories I ate, and even more scary that I've eaten way more than that other times - no wonder I'm overweight!
    I do find it hard when I'm at home by myself, any tips?
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Hey - I get in the same boat time and again. I am just coming off a week of doing so poorly I start to give up and then I'm picking up and starting counting/logging again. We all have our down days and times and that's part of life. Just pick up from where you are and remember that it doesn't take long before you're back at it again. Don't give up and try not to be hard on yourself. We're all here to support each other!!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: