Feeling like a failure for going over calorie limit

Nottm1984 Posts: 55 Member
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
Had such a bad day yesterday, went 1000 over my calorie limit-should have had more discipline when my other half was offering me a glass of wine (or two!) Trying to start afresh today, but still feel guilty.... ;-/


  • mangorabbit
    mangorabbit Posts: 219 Member
    As one who has been somewhere similar (guilt-wise) you have two options - use the guilt to help get back on track, or if that is not so much your style, try to simply accept that sometimes these things will happen. Add 20 min of cardio to your day (jump rope, jog, take a walk) for a bit to 'even things out' if you like.

    Being human and fallible is rough, but you are here and you are making progress!
  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    you can alot calories for a glass or two of wine or you can exercise more to account for them. and going over every once in a while is not a sin. but if you make a habit of it then you have to account to yourself for it.
  • Hollie721
    Hollie721 Posts: 20
    Its easily done, i just try to start fresh the next day and forget about it. I think as long as you keep trying then you are not a failure. Feel free to add me and we can encourage each other, MFP is defo the best way to keep track of your calories and hopefully start a healthier lifestyle. Ive been on here just over 2 weeks and its only just starting to get through to me that counting calories isn't enough, i actually need to make changes in my eating habits! Good luck and just try and make today a good day - if you keep trying you'll get there in the end x
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    dont feel guilty..just hop back on the right track. its ok to slip here and there..
  • Driagnor
    Driagnor Posts: 323 Member
    I think it's only natural to feel a little bit frustrated with yourself when you have one of those days. However, don't let it get you down too much - at the end of the day, 1000 calories is less than a 3rd of a pound - even if it was all excess, that's not something you should beat yourself up about too much.

    These slip-ups are going to happen from time to time - the important thing is to not let it derail your process. Have a look at it, think about what you might have been able to do differently in that situation and keep it in mind the next time a similar situation comes up.

    Have a great day.
  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    We all go through feelings like this. I still feel guilty when I'm 10kcal over limit!

    Try not to beat yourself over it. Drink lots and lots of water the next day and be good the rest of the week. I had a mini binge last night...and I drank tons of water and I woke up this morning and weighed myself, I've somehow lost another pound. Sometimes a little cheat is actually good for you, to keep your body guessing and it might even help you in the weight loss.

    Chin up, never too late to start again.
  • Nottm1984
    Nottm1984 Posts: 55 Member
    Thank you everyone, don't know what I'd do without MFP! :smile:
  • olyrose
    olyrose Posts: 569 Member
    Don't feel bad! Occasional indulgences keep us sane and motivated to stay on track the rest of the time. Also remember that the calorie allowance is set up for weight loss, so going over puts you more into the maintenance territory. And - the fact that you feel bad shows how committed you are to this process, so that's good!
  • arosegeo
    arosegeo Posts: 254 Member
    its all good sometimes we fall but all we can do is get back up, failure would come from not trying again.
  • schobert101
    schobert101 Posts: 218 Member
    Try and look at it this way. Depending on how your setting are you already have a deficit built for your daily calorie goals in so at best if you are set to 2 pounds per week you have 1000 cal deficit per day in which case all you did was just eat maintenace calories for the day . If you are set for less of a deficit you can consider it maintenance for a couple of days.
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