90 - 100lbs gone by 2012 challenge...



  • dusk1977
    dusk1977 Posts: 295
    LexieRazor - Total amount to lose 72 lbs- total amount lost 28 lbs
    KCB1978 - Total amount to lose 91lbs - Total amount lost 4lbs
    SarahJaneDeschamp - Total Amount To Lose 113lbs - Total Amount Lost 13lbs - ( Next Weigh In 1st May )
    Bex_mcd86- total amount to lose 96lbs - total amount lost 11lbs
    Dusk1977 - Total ammount to loose 94lb - total amount lost 0lb (only joined this week)
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    LexieRazor - Total amount to lose 72 lbs- total amount lost 28 lbs
    KCB1978 - Total amount to lose 91lbs - Total amount lost 4lbs
    SarahJaneDeschamp - Total Amount To Lose 113lbs - Total Amount Lost 13lbs - ( Next Weigh In 1st May )
    Bex_mcd86- total amount to lose 96lbs - total amount lost 11lbs
    Dusk1977 - Total ammount to loose 94lb - total amount lost 0lb (only joined this week)
    Katrob9 Total amount to loose 100lbs - total amount lost 0lb (only joined this week)
  • megansmom311
    Hi there! Hope it's ok that I'm jumping in here and joining! Also if anyone wants to add me as a friend, please do, I'm new here. :flowerforyou:

    LexieRazor - Total amount to lose 72 lbs- total amount lost 28 lbs
    KCB1978 - Total amount to lose 91lbs - Total amount lost 4lbs
    SarahJaneDeschamp - Total Amount To Lose 113lbs - Total Amount Lost 13lbs - ( Next Weigh In 1st May )
    Bex_mcd86- total amount to lose 96lbs - total amount lost 11lbs
    Dusk1977 - Total ammount to loose 94lb - total amount lost 0lb (only joined this week)
    megansmom311- Total amount to lose 111.5 - total amount lost 13lbs
    Katrob9 Total amount to loose 100lbs - total amount lost 0lb (only joined this week)
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Hi there! Hope it's ok that I'm jumping in here and joining! Also if anyone wants to add me as a friend, please do, I'm new here. :flowerforyou:

    LexieRazor - Total amount to lose 72 lbs- total amount lost 28 lbs
    KCB1978 - Total amount to lose 91lbs - Total amount lost 4lbs
    SarahJaneDeschamp - Total Amount To Lose 113lbs - Total Amount Lost 13lbs - ( Next Weigh In 1st May )
    Bex_mcd86- total amount to lose 96lbs - total amount lost 11lbs
    Dusk1977 - Total ammount to loose 94lb - total amount lost 0lb (only joined this week)
    megansmom311- Total amount to lose 111.5 - total amount lost 13lbs
    Katrob9 Total amount to loose 100lbs - total amount lost 0lb (only joined this week)
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I am jumping in here also ! Kristen kris1085 total amount to loose 111 pounds total amount lost is 34~ Next weigh in is May 1st ~!
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx - 80ish pounds to loose! 17.2 down x
  • KCB1978
    KCB1978 Posts: 113
    Hey guys... been having a think about this and I am not sure I am knowledgable enough to run this! I am still happy to go for it but would someone else feel more confident in control?
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    Of course u can do it!!!! All you need is an excel spreadsheet! Put everyone in the challenge in it and then in each collum everyones progress so strat with Starting weight then every month add a collum :) xxx
  • MrsRazor7
    MrsRazor7 Posts: 332 Member
    KCB - I'm with xxx_Princess, you can do this! You started it and you will be able to run it. I can help out by doing the excel spreadsheet for you, just let me know.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • erinhale
    erinhale Posts: 137 Member
    I recently did this! It feels great! You should follow my blog As some of you know I am a personal trainer (who had to lose about 90 pounds, 10 m ore to go!) and I have just started a blog! http://torquefitness.blogspot.com/ giving out free advise and anwsering questions about fitness. Once a week I will be posting quick calorie burning, fat busting workouts!
  • Bex_zic
    Bex_zic Posts: 25 Member
    we've all gone a bit quiet!
    I'm on my first day at a new placement today, here for 5 weeks! I'm on 9-5, which is nice, so i am using this as oppertunity to have structured days (which you can't really do on a ward placement) and plan all meals out! Today was a bit of a bummer, as i had to bring a snadwich and the bread alone was 300 calories! but thats because i was at my mums house so didnt have my own food to make lunch with! but i am hoping to go to the gym tonight =] it'll take me a good 45 mins to burn that bread off though =[
    anyway, hows everyone else doing?
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    hey bex, Yeah I was back on track yesterday after a bad weekend but still feeling motivated today! Hey a sanny aint too bad I have one most lunchtimes doesnt do me n e harm I dont think - its too hot to have soup now! Let us know how u get on at the gym :) xxx
  • PolyTeine
    PolyTeine Posts: 78 Member
    LexieRazor - Total amount to lose 72 lbs- total amount lost 28 lbs
    KCB1978 - Total amount to lose 91lbs - Total amount lost 4lbs
    SarahJaneDeschamp - Total Amount To Lose 113lbs - Total Amount Lost 13lbs - ( Next Weigh In 1st May )
    Bex_mcd86- total amount to lose 96lbs - total amount lost 11lbs
    Dusk1977 - Total ammount to loose 94lb - total amount lost 0lb (only joined this week)
    megansmom311- Total amount to lose 111.5 - total amount lost 13lbs
    Katrob9 Total amount to loose 100lbs - total amount lost 0lb (only joined this week)
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx - 80ish pounds to loose! 17.2 down x
    PolyTeine - Ultimate lbs to lose 103 - total amount lost 22 lbs
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    LexieRazor - Total amount to lose 72 lbs- total amount lost 28 lbs
    KCB1978 - Total amount to lose 91lbs - Total amount lost 4lbs
    SarahJaneDeschamp - Total Amount To Lose 113lbs - Total Amount Lost 13lbs - ( Next Weigh In 1st May )
    Bex_mcd86- total amount to lose 96lbs - total amount lost 11lbs
    Dusk1977 - Total ammount to loose 94lb - total amount lost 0lb (only joined this week)
    megansmom311- Total amount to lose 111.5 - total amount lost 13lbs
    Katrob9 Total amount to loose 100lbs - total amount lost 0lb (only joined this week)
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx - 80ish pounds to loose! 17.2 down x
    PolyTeine - Ultimate lbs to lose 103 - total amount lost 22 lbs

    can I change mine to 75 please? x
  • Bex_zic
    Bex_zic Posts: 25 Member
    so far i am over my calorie count for the day =[ but i am off to my boyfriends house to gym it up with him! We do weights and a exercise bike for 90 mins or so, so should be ok!
    bread is my downfall, i love it too much! most things i can go without, but bread and chocolate is too yummy!
    you think your on track to of lost by sunday? thats the 1st right? i think i may of gained, been so stressed lately i think i've comfort ate a little too much =[ but if i have i am just going to use it as inspiration to get on it properly!
  • MrsRazor7
    MrsRazor7 Posts: 332 Member
    KCB1978 - Total amount to lose 91lbs - Total amount lost 4lbs
    SarahJaneDeschamp - Total Amount To Lose 113lbs - Total Amount Lost 13lbs - ( Next Weigh In 1st May )
    Bex_mcd86- total amount to lose 96lbs - total amount lost 11lbs
    Dusk1977 - Total ammount to loose 94lb - total amount lost 0lb (only joined this week)
    megansmom311- Total amount to lose 111.5 - total amount lost 13lbs
    Katrob9 Total amount to loose 100lbs - total amount lost 0lb (only joined this week)
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx - 75 pounds to loose! 17.2 down x
    PolyTeine - Ultimate lbs to lose 103 - total amount lost 22 lbs
    MrsRazor7 - Total amount to lose 72 lbs- total amount lost 28 lbs

    xxx_Pink - I changed yours to 75

    I also changed my name, so I updated the list. How is everyone doing? Are you all ready for the 1st weigh in? i am Kind of excited because I am doing pretty good and feeling like I can make this goal!
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    awww thanks hun!

    Yeah Im doing ok, Im back on track after easter! hehe!! Im usually good mon - wed then thursday i start slacking till it comes to monday again and im not shifting much weigh so Im gonna try uber hard this week to go the full week! Looking forward to the weigh in on sunday but nervous also hehe xx
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Can you add my name to the list i have lost 34 and have 82 more to go !
  • shannonpatton
    shannonpatton Posts: 299 Member
    Oooooh! I wanna join! I have 106lbs more to lose! Down 31lbs so far.
  • OpenHeaven
    OpenHeaven Posts: 275 Member
    Ohhh may I join all of you!!??!!