I need help in changes in workout please...

ExerciseGeek Posts: 183 Member
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi there:smile: ,

Usually I work out everyday, I tend to stick to the same things, which I know, does not challenge my body, and Im not noticing any changes.

I feel if I worked on different muscle groups each day this will burn more calories and trick my body doing something different in order to lose the last few pounds.

I was wondering if anyone has a set work out for different days what works for them in the gym?

Thanks :flowerforyou:


  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    I bascially do the same exercises for a workout. But i cahnge the way I do them. For instance, i always do biceps curls, but for a couple of months i do them with dumbells seated, then switch for a couple months of standing, then for another couple i use a barbell insead of dumbells. Or you can simply change the order in which yo do them. My karate teacher does this, he moves the last exercise to the first and so on.
  • McSpall
    McSpall Posts: 5
    Check this website www.zombiefit.org

    Gives you a different workout every day, plus it's fairly entertaining. Wanna be fit and have great cardio and strength come the time of the zombie apocalypse.
  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    you're making good, positive change and this is where you get results!

    I dont have a gym membership at the moment, but I am shaking plateaus by changing what im doing outside. I vary my runs in distance and intensity, interval training will shake you up, and i mix in cycling. When I want a bigger more intense burn challenging muscles I run then jump straight on the bike and ride.

    I will have my rowing machine back soon, Im intending on incorporating that as an all over exercise that will focus more on my shoulders and back than the other 2 cardio methods.

    In a new training session add strength training. Remember that if you use a pull exercise then back it up with a push exercise on the same area - like pull downs on a machine followed by push ups, that will balance the muscles you are using. Use rest days between strength training, or focus on different areas each time you go.

    Spend time on your core - your core muscles are arguably your most important muscles as they hold you up and help strengthen your back and keep your form in exercising.

    The biggest calorie burners are your biggest muscles - so remember to hit those regularly. Squats, Lunges and anything you can involve your glutes in will not only burn big calories but tone as well

    Good luck xx
  • SpaceMarkus
    SpaceMarkus Posts: 651
    I tend to stick to my Beachbody workouts, which change every day anyway.

    Youtube is also a great place to look for new workouts. I try to stick to 3 days of weight, 2 days of cardio, and 1-2 days of abs/core. Make sure you have at least one rest day!
  • It is my understanding that each muscle group needs 48 hours to recover b4 u work them again. I was doing all my muscles everytime, but since I switched to doing upper & lower body on different days, i noticed that I feel like they are getting "worked?" harder.

    i do 20-30 cardio & upper body on mon & fri
    i do 20-30 cardio & lower body on tues & sat
    I do 30-60 minutes cardio on wed & sunday

    (i switch up the cardio -somedays its the elliptical, others the bike or treadmill)
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Definately switch up your excercises a bit from week to week, while keeping a similar routine. It's nice to hit muscles in a different way, that puts focus on different areas of the muscle.

    I enjoyed doing an upper/lower split kind of like feliciapeters.

    I'd stick with that, or a full body workout 3x a week. Beginners don't need to get into complicated splits, their bodies typically repsond best to full body workouts.
  • thcri
    thcri Posts: 459 Member
    Every so often take a day of rest. Your body and muscles need recovery time. I have found that if I take two days off from riding my bike my next trip my MPH is much greater and easier to get my heart rate up. If tired I can't even get my heart rate up very well.
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    I take 2 different classes to teach me new moves to do. I do Pilates & Body Sculpt and Stairs & Stability. They share some moves but others are very different.
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    I like the body for life stuff, for giving a good outline of exercises. We have an older book but i see on their website lately there are good tips. In the book we have, it outlines good exercises and numbers of repeats etc for each area of the body. It tells the optimal time for working out around meals and how often to do what. Even a good list of foods to eat and to avoid.

    Also on Jillian Micheals' website, you get a week free, then $4 a week and she outlines a meal plan and exercise plan that is pretty good. I paid for this for one 3 month subscription but ended up not following the suggestions. If you can afford the subscriptoin and were looking for someone to tell you when to do what, that is an option.

    I like doing cycles of the Jillian Micheals videos - especially the Slim down one that uses 3 different videos...
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