not proud but......



  • DawnOf1969
    DawnOf1969 Posts: 726 Member
    I am NOT going to tell you it is ALRIGHT. I am NOT going to stroke you, because I feel if you are serious about losing weight, or getting healthy you need to LEARN and you need to be informed...this was a big SCREW UP, and I think you know it and are looking for justification and looking for people to tell you that it is okay to do, it isn't.- but really it isn't....however, having one binge meal won't ruin you...That being said...and for interest of you LEARNING from it...

    ask yourself this...if you KNEW you only had a certain amount of calories left, why did you order a Big Mac, a large fry, chicken nuggets, a filet of fish and a hot fudge sundae? 1800 calories? What put you there?

    And if McDonalds is a trigger to binge eat--why do you go there? Learn to stay away from triggers and you will have less of a chance at going on a full out binge.

    Stop looking for justification for screw ups...learn from them.

    Well said. yes, screw ups happen, but they are not ok. I have certain foods and places that I KNOW will cause me to binge. So I just have to avoid them. One day, when I somewhat battle my food addiction, then I will allow myself to start re-frequenting these foods/places so I can practice exhibiting my willpower, but until then, it's better if I avoid the temptation altogether. I know I am not ready for that step yet.
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    I am NOT going to tell you it is ALRIGHT. I am NOT going to stroke you, because I feel if you are serious about losing weight, or getting healthy you need to LEARN and you need to be informed...this was a big SCREW UP, and I think you know it and are looking for justification and looking for people to tell you that it is okay to do, it isn't.- but really it isn't....however, having one binge meal won't ruin you...That being said...and for interest of you LEARNING from it...

    ask yourself this...if you KNEW you only had a certain amount of calories left, why did you order a Big Mac, a large fry, chicken nuggets, a filet of fish and a hot fudge sundae? 1800 calories? What put you there?

    And if McDonalds is a trigger to binge eat--why do you go there? Learn to stay away from triggers and you will have less of a chance at going on a full out binge.

    Stop looking for justification for screw ups...learn from them.

    I don't think she is looking to justify her decision. I think that she knows that it was a bad decision, and has the fortitude to move forward. I spent along time beating myself up over bad food decisions and it ultimately led to self loathing and more bad decisions. We all know that McDs is bad, and over time if you stick with this program, you will not even want that stuff, but until then, love yourself and your body, forgive yourself and keep trying!
    VICKYORTIZ Posts: 37 Member
    I understand your pain but looks to me that you have the correct mentality and you will achieve your goal! McDonalds is a hard one for me too. Their fries are so delicious -to top it off they just opened one up by my house and tonight they're having a McTeacher night so the kids are gonna want to go. To be honest with you I am worried. Wish me luck!
  • QUETA2212
    QUETA2212 Posts: 81 Member
    I did the same thing! Its getting so hard!
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    I am NOT going to tell you it is ALRIGHT. I am NOT going to stroke you, because I feel if you are serious about losing weight, or getting healthy you need to LEARN and you need to be informed...this was a big SCREW UP, and I think you know it and are looking for justification and looking for people to tell you that it is okay to do, it isn't.- but really it isn't....however, having one binge meal won't ruin you...That being said...and for interest of you LEARNING from it...

    ask yourself this...if you KNEW you only had a certain amount of calories left, why did you order a Big Mac, a large fry, chicken nuggets, a filet of fish and a hot fudge sundae? 1800 calories? What put you there?

    And if McDonalds is a trigger to binge eat--why do you go there? Learn to stay away from triggers and you will have less of a chance at going on a full out binge.

    Stop looking for justification for screw ups...learn from them.

  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    Geesh, apparently I was wrong- naive me. Didn't read any of these posts with an atta girl attitude or patting her on the back and say it was OK - nor were any of us encouraging her to do it again..........

    I'm new to this site, and so far I haven't been crucified- only encouraged. And reprimands are fine- but can they be tempered with some words of encouragement as well? Those of you who have traveled further down the road should be the MOST understanding- not the first to get in line spewing contempt should someone slip.
    Had she posted a topic bragging about her binge, I guess that would have been a different story.
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    Hey! You are a fitness pal after my own heart! I went over by 800 last night and was surprised that I didn't beat myself up about it. My attitude has really changed and I'm glad about it. I guess all those days of being under, we balance ourselves out by going over once in a blue moon. Strangely enough, I feel recharged today and right back on track. I really do believe that it's good to let go sometimes, feel 'normal' and get back in the saddle! You go girl! I wish you much success on your journey cause you've got the right matter what - don't quit!:wink:
  • chubswonky
    chubswonky Posts: 195
    Don't let one rough day through you off! Start new and remember how you felt after you went over! IT HAPPENS TO EVERYONE!!!
  • smiley01x
    smiley01x Posts: 93 Member
    Geesh, apparently I was wrong- naive me. Didn't read any of these posts with an atta girl attitude or patting her on the back and say it was OK - nor were any of us encouraging her to do it again..........

    I'm new to this site, and so far I haven't been crucified- only encouraged. And reprimands are fine- but can they be tempered with some words of encouragement as well? Those of you who have traveled further down the road should be the MOST understanding- not the first to get in line spewing contempt should someone slip.
    Had she posted a topic bragging about her binge, I guess that would have been a different story.

  • NanBar
    NanBar Posts: 283 Member
    Geesh, apparently I was wrong- naive me. Didn't read any of these posts with an atta girl attitude or patting her on the back and say it was OK - nor were any of us encouraging her to do it again..........

    I'm new to this site, and so far I haven't been crucified- only encouraged. And reprimands are fine- but can they be tempered with some words of encouragement as well? Those of you who have traveled further down the road should be the MOST understanding- not the first to get in line spewing contempt should someone slip.
    Had she posted a topic bragging about her binge, I guess that would have been a different story.

    Apparently you didn't read my response very well. I was telling her I wasn't going to do those things- not that anyone else did. I also told her one day wasn't going to blow it-- but she should learn from it- then I posed some questions that might HELP her to realize what and WHY she went and binged.

    Here is a bit of info for you DO NOT HAVE TO STROKE someone to be supportive....I have learned this from being on this site for many months. Sometimes you need to be CONFRONTED so you remember this the next time you go to binge.

    You have a very nice day...and good luck with your weight loss journey.