Ripped in 30

I just purchased Ripped in 30....gonna start today I hope! Any recommendations, inputs etc????? :) Hope it works! :happy:


  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Let us know how you like it!
  • mustangurl
    mustangurl Posts: 104 Member
    i just started it also. i did the first week, last week but i didn't get to do it like i wanted so i started over this week! it is definitly a workout ;) it's just long enough to feel you got a good workout but not too long so you feel like you want to throw it out the window, lol. i really enjoy it and will be doing it this evening. i had my boyfriend take a picture of me before i started so i can see the difference when i'm done. good luck with it, i hope you see amazing results!!
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Hi! i have been working through this video. I started w/the 30 day shred and loved it. Then purchased this because I heard it was kind of similar. I have not been doing this every day Iike I did with the shred --maybe every other, or every 2 days. I think the workouts are a little less smooth and some of the exercises are odd and take a while to figure out how to do, but I think it's working. I am on day 4 or 5 of week 3 and feel very strong. I'm on maintenance and that was what I was looking for--something to supplement cardio for toning and strength.

    So overall, it hasn't been enjoyable for me, but it's a good quick workout, and certainly challenging and I have been learning some new exercises that I can tell are doing what they say they will do. Definitely worth it.
  • jmanthei98
    jmanthei98 Posts: 85 Member
    After 30 Day Shred, I'm working my way through this workout. It's tough!!! But I find it challenging and fun. I love the cardio exercises. Yes, there is one weight move that is kind of awkward, but I figured it out. I guess my advice would be do the modifications if you need to. They're there for a reason, so work your way up to it...and HAVE FUN!!! :-D
  • shalynna89
    shalynna89 Posts: 324 Member
    After 30 Day Shred, I'm working my way through this workout. It's tough!!! But I find it challenging and fun. I love the cardio exercises. Yes, there is one weight move that is kind of awkward, but I figured it out. I guess my advice would be do the modifications if you need to. They're there for a reason, so work your way up to it...and HAVE FUN!!! :-D

    I agree with her!! I Started this last week after finishing the Shred and really like it. I've been slacking on it the last 2 days though. I had great results with the Shred and hoping for the same with this. I take before pictures and measurements to compare to at the end. I did it with the Shred and I loved seeing the results. If anyone who is doing it wants support or to be accountable to someone feel free to add me!!
  • soon2bmrsc
    I'm starting Ripped in 30 today and I am looking for a buddy to get me through this!! Can we be Ripped in 30 motivators for each other?
    I'm hoping this video will help me lose my last 6 pounds!
  • llovegrove
    llovegrove Posts: 94 Member
    Thank you for all the information! I am pretty excited to start it and see what it does for me! :) soon2bmrsc...definitely! I need a motivator also so lets help each other out!!!! : )
  • llovegrove
    llovegrove Posts: 94 Member
    I started Ripped in 30 last night...not bad...but I am not sore at all today like people say. Jillian is one tough cookie! lol Question waht I did last night, I will do that same one all of week one? How many days a week should I do it? Help would be great here! :) Another thing, I dont have a HRM, whats the average calories burned on this? Thanks a million all!!!!
    soontobmrsc.....Did you start yours? If so, what did you think. You can message me if you want. :)
  • soon2bmrsc
    Ilovegrove...I did start last night!! yay! I was thoroughly impressed with myself when I finished because I thought I was about to die during the side lunges lol.
    Yes, you do the same workout all of week one...I'm going to shoot for 6 days a week.
    Are you sore today?? I AM! :)