Hi there!

ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hi there! I'm Chase, I have some very good friends here already and I'm excited to be a part of the site! I'm 28 and this is my first try at tracking food and calories. I'm not a good dieter, I cheat constantly, but I always own up to it :P I especially have a hard time saying no to feta (I mean, really, who doesn't? It's feta!)

I'm a mom of two (A is 3 years old and S is 8 months old) and I'm married to the best man I know. I'm an EMT and firefighting student (I'll be finished next month!) and I'm getting into great shape (strength-wise) through my fire training. However, I know I need diet changes and regular exercise to actually lose *fat*. I might be strong underneath, but it certainly doesn't show in my physique.

Looking forward to getting to know all of you sexy beasts ;)


  • cj1234cj23
    cj1234cj23 Posts: 113 Member
    hahahahaha! Good for you, and I work for the Forest Service and we know how important firefighters are! You can add me if you want and have a wonderful blessed day!
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    Thank you very much =)
  • crykmprs
    crykmprs Posts: 16 Member
    Paramedic here trying to lose the wieght on the crazy schedules we keep
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