Any BH's out there and any crusising in May???

hi just wondering if theres any BH's/soldiers/bockquita's/ on here and if any of u are cruising in may?? would love to swap cruise control tips with u

(ps if u have to ask what a BH is then this topic aint for u!!!!)



  • FattieBeGone
    FattieBeGone Posts: 25 Member
    yep. I'm going!
  • distant_dreamer
    WHOOOOPPPP!!!! gonna add ya !!!
  • daylilies
    I'm on the wait list! My friend and I got on pretty fast though, so we think we'll get in.
    I went last year and it was awesome! I don't know how it could be better this year but we'll see!
    I lost 20 lbs. for last year's cruise, but since it ended I've had a hard time jumping back on the bandwagon (I even gained some weight back) So any tips are welcome!

    Haha oops! I just realized this is about last year's cruise!'s too early in the morning.