Energy make over

thust377 Posts: 13
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
Ever have those days when you feel exhausted before your day even starts, and you almost want to cry at the amount of things you know you have to do that day? You aren’t the only one that feels that way. Part of the problem is we have set our energy bar so high that we expect ourselves to fit more and more into our time. We put ourselves in an unrealistic position, and it often causes us to feel overwhelmed and draining us of energy. I’m a multitasker, I can be carrying on a conversation while I’m replaying to e-mails, or reading a book while I exercise. Experts say that by doing more than one thing at a time will drain your brain faster than doing each task by itself. Whether you are training for a marathon - or your life just simply feels like one - these fresh lifestyle tweaks will do more for your mojo than your 4 cups of coffee ever could.

• Turn off the TV – Most people’s typical end of the day routine is to plop on the couch and zone out to some TV shows that offer a great mind drain. Many people think that watching TV is a restful activity, but it may not be. TV itself can be tiring, and the older you get the fewer stress reducing benefits you get from a good session in front of the tube. Instead of numbing your mind - rejuvenate it, by stimulating it. Take a walk - spending time with nature helps restore people’s energy and focus.
• Avoid the quick fix – A small coffee, tea with honey, and dark chocolate all contain caffeine and sugar, they are perfectly legitimate energy quick fixes when you need a lift in a hurry. The problem occurs when they are used daily. Food is your true source of energy, make sure that you are consuming the foods you need - a healthy protein and carb breakfast. Snack mid morning, and split your lunch into a noon snack and a late afternoon snack. This will help keep you energized all day.
• Workout – Believe it or not, expending energy on exercise actually creates more for you to use. Not all the exercise needs to be heavy breathing either, you can use yoga to help increase your energy. For a mid day pick up, go for a walk on your lunch break.
• Hear the beat – music makes you feel good physically and mentally. Just by listening to music you can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and decrease anxiety. Music give you extra motivation, give your body a positive nudge and think – Beyoncé or the Black Eyed Peas.
• Patience – The biggest energy consumers are everyday stresses; Being in a hurry, for example, can cause total energy loss. When feeling stressed, try breathing in and out slowly to help you relax.
• Positive vibes – Happy people have more energy. When you are happy, you take charge, initiate conversations, and carry out plans instead of being passive and letting life happens on its own. Taking action energizes us. Positive thinking will help you to be confident and happy. Write down five things you are grateful for and enjoy life.

Make these small changes to your lifestyle and feel more energized, not to mention quite a bit happier. We are all going to have our days when we feel too tired to move, but remember to focus on what will help you find the energy and joy you need to feel better.


  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Some say starting the day with yoga or tai chi helps. :) I prefer to end my busy day with yoga so that I sleep better. :)
  • this was a GREAT post, thank you so much!!
  • ngoat
    ngoat Posts: 97 Member
    thanks !
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