Weight Loss Myths



  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    That eating diet foods, 100 calorie packs, and diet soda is the right way to loose weight. Actually, the chemicals and fake sugar just make you have MAJOR cravings later on and over-do it later in the day. Also, people who drink diet soda every day gain 10 lbs during the course of a year on average.

    I drink two or three diet sodas per week and I will eat from 100 calorie packs every day. I rarely ever eat the whole thing in one sitting. Fake sugar or not I have no problem with cravings or over-doing it later. I've lost 31 lbs since Jan 15th.
    Everything requires self control.
  • Achoooo
    Achoooo Posts: 130
    That eating diet foods, 100 calorie packs, and diet soda is the right way to loose weight. Actually, the chemicals and fake sugar just make you have MAJOR cravings later on and over-do it later in the day. Also, people who drink diet soda every day gain 10 lbs during the course of a year on average.

    I drink two or three diet sodas per week and I will eat from 100 calorie packs every day. I rarely ever eat the whole thing in one sitting. Fake sugar or not I have no problem with cravings or over-doing it later. I've lost 31 lbs since Jan 15th.
    Everything requires self control.

    Good point. I track everything and I notice if I compare the days I have no soda, real soda, and diet soda together, or any fake sure, I don't later go on some kind of binge, etc. You have to figure out what works for your body. I try not to make a habit of eating fake sugar and other "crap", but if you track everything, after some time you can go back and look at your patterns. So far diet soda and 100-cal pack days haven't increased my eating from any other day. I am sure I'll plateau sooner or later and I will look at those items. That is what I like about MPF - if you are honest in tracking, you can go back and see what hinders you. I try to update the notes section too with how I feel or what happened that day, etc. I'm sure for some people soda is evil. One time I quit for months, and the weight didn't budge, so screw that. It stayed.
  • OpalFruitJam
    OpalFruitJam Posts: 114 Member
    That eating diet foods, 100 calorie packs, and diet soda is the right way to loose weight. Actually, the chemicals and fake sugar just make you have MAJOR cravings later on and over-do it later in the day. Also, people who drink diet soda every day gain 10 lbs during the course of a year on average.

    Surely though it's okay to drink diet sodas if you just have some restraint with your cravings? I drink lot of diet drinks and crave foods anyway- but just don't let myself eat and overdo it. So if you have some restraint surely it's okay?
    Not that I think diet sodas are actually GOOD for you- I doubt there's anything in there bar artificial sugars- and something that has no calories can't be nutritional.
  • roland72
    roland72 Posts: 58 Member
    Everything requires self control.

    I think you have hit the nail smack bang in the middle of it's head. Self control or lack of it is the ONLY reason why I (and most people) are overweight.

    it is not to do with lack of time (you can make time to prepare food instead of sitting in front of the TV)

    it is not because of a busy life style (stuffing your face with unhealthy snacks and stressing yourself out working is NOT a life)

    it is not because of your genes (studies have shown that there is no common fat gene, genetic disorders are extremely rare and not as common as magazines, tv programmes make it out to be)

    It is not because of "big bones"

    it is not because of upbringing or parents. As an adult YOU make your own choices as to what you put in your mouth or how much exercise you do. Besides bad habits that have been learned as a child can also be unlearned as an adult by taking responsibility for your own life.

    Simply put: you gain weight because you don't control what goes in and what goes out. And as we all know that is the only way you are going to lose weight: by using more calories than you put in, it really is simple maths.

    But personally I think that the biggest myth is that diet products will make you lose weight more easily. Truth is that "diet" products or substitute ingredients are sometimes worse for you than the real stuff. Why snack on a chocolate flavoured snack which is full of artificial crap, fillers, bulking agents, artificial flavourings and which doesn't have the same satisfaction when you can have a small portion of real chocolate and enjoy yourself?

    Also substitute sugar or artificial sweeteners are worse for you than real sugar. Apart from all the chemicals you are putting in your body -and whose side effects are well documented in various studies- truth is artificial sweeteners simply don't work or help in losing weight! A recent documentary on the BBC a couple of weeks ago showed studies where they looked at people's brain scans while eating foods with real sugar and foods with artificial sugar. Turns out that our brain does not recognise the artificial sweeteners as "real" energy because it is not the kind of sugar it needs to function. So if you eat lets say a biscuit with artificial sweeteners it will taste sweet in your mouth, but your brain will not see it as the energy it needs to function. So it will send a signal for more food, which results in more calorie intake, over eating, weight gain, desire to lose weight, purchase of more "diet" products ... and enter the vicious circle. And then people are surprised that they can't lose weight even though they are trying their best and doing everything the diet "experts" are telling them to do.
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    That eating diet foods, 100 calorie packs, and diet soda is the right way to loose weight. Actually, the chemicals and fake sugar just make you have MAJOR cravings later on and over-do it later in the day. Also, people who drink diet soda every day gain 10 lbs during the course of a year on average.
    I don't think this is correct. I did a search after I read this. All I found was info that people that drink it are more likely to be overweight.

    If it does cause weight gain, I highly doubt it's 10lbs a YEAR. I was fat in high school and college but I wouldn't have been able to walk if that was true.
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    It's sick the unhealthy relationship we develop with food, while people in other countries just wish they could eat.

    What a very sad, but incredibly moving statement. Definately my motivation to stay on track. :flowerforyou: