Stressed, stress eater and ready to eat the kitchen sink...H

AmysNewBeginning Posts: 244 Member
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
I need some positive "love" right now please from you great people.

Help!!!!!!! I'm a stress eater, and was hurt by someone a best friend of 10yrs badly...well she keeps friggin haunting me. There were 4 of us girls, and now there only 3 of us girls due to she is such a b%$#@!

I sit here and I'm crying due to her again, She is playing games with one of the other girls, my best friend to get to me. I know this sounds childish and IT IS, but if friggin hurts and I want to eat the kitchen sink now!!!!!!!!!!

It's way more complicated than this, but I can't type a book on here...I just need help so I don't ruin what goodness I have done. You all are so positive and I usually am, but this person has so much control over me cuz I let her, and she was part of me weight gain.... :( I have gained 15 lbs in the last 8 months and she is part of it. We were a "pack" and never thought she
would throw us/me away...

Not that I want this to be a therapy session, I don't, but I just want to keep feeling happy and doing good on this weight loss journey and when something like this comes up, I just eat and I'm just reaching out to you that are in the same or similar boat.

Thanks and hugs!


  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I have learned over the years that I don't want to waste my time on people like that (life's too short). It was a hard lesson to learn. In fact, I'm no longer best friends with the girl that was my maid of honor 11 years ago. We're getting along now (her sister also does not talk to her). That's just one example of how hard it's been. So I feel your pain, but don't waste the effort. You're a better person and a stronger person, and you don't need that girl in your life. You'll live longer without the stress! Remember, stress makes us store fat!
  • ajostraat
    ajostraat Posts: 101
    I've read three of these types of posts today. Is it the phase of the moon, or what?

    As for avoiding the snacking that goes along with emotional eating, try and find an alternative outlet. My personal favorite is a session with a punching bag.
  • KatRDH94
    KatRDH94 Posts: 17 Member
    I understand completely. My best friend of 20 years did some really hurtful things to me also and all I did was eat to soothe the pain. I finally decided that she was not only ruining our friendship but she was also making me feel bad enough to ruin my body. So I gradually stopped answering the phone when she called and told her why eventually she was no longer going to be a part of my life. She tried her best to be the "victim" to our other mutual friends and while it hurt I knew that they knew the real truth. Give it time and eat a celery stick. As you eat it just say to yourself,,,HA, YOU have NO effect on me anymore, I am special and I do not need the DRAMA!!!!! We are here for ya girl! Stay strong :o)
  • KatRDH94
    KatRDH94 Posts: 17 Member
    There is also a game on iphone and android called angry birds,,,,soooo much fun to smash those buildings and pigs,,,makes me feel better when I am stressed and gives me something to do with my hands!:laugh:
  • i don't suggest eating the kitchen sink i've tried before & it doesn't taste very good. may i suggest maybe a sponge instead?
  • lovinglife71
    lovinglife71 Posts: 65 Member
    Girl you have been doing soooo good, please do not let this person have that kind of control over you. IF she is no better than that you are waaaay better off with out her!!!! Hang in there and just try to be positive about what you have accomplished and what you will accomplished. You take control of your destiny!!!!!
  • AmysNewBeginning
    AmysNewBeginning Posts: 244 Member
    you made me laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks i needed that!!!!!!!!! ****, i didnt even say it right huh? meant to say eat everything BUT
    the kitchen sink! have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • AmysNewBeginning
    AmysNewBeginning Posts: 244 Member
    thank you so much for sharing your story with me, it touched are a jewel on here to me, and thanks for
    kicking my butt back into gear today!!!!!!!!!!!!! hugs girlfriend!
  • suzannekk
    suzannekk Posts: 12 Member
    MARCH! I stomp off more stress. Take it out on you in a good way!
  • AmysNewBeginning
    AmysNewBeginning Posts: 244 Member
    I'll have to try that!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you, and I'm doing better after *****ing on this site, I ate good for lunch, that is huge for me not to eat so much when I'm stressed. :) Have a great day!
  • i would like to apologize for your mistake.
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