Any results from stopping artificial sweetners?

I can't seem to get away from artificial sweetners, so I was hoping I might be motivated by anyone who had positive results when they got rid of them? I chew alot of sugar free gum, like sugar free hard candies, drink artificial sugar free drinks (crystal light etc)...not soda. I like sugar free jello's, Even some of my yogurts are artificially sweetened! I LOVE THE taste of sweetness, and don't want the cals...yet I have heard the research and how I am only hurting my diet/metab etc. ANYONE Stop, and are glad they did??


  • LMG0511
    LMG0511 Posts: 24 Member
  • starboardzor
    I'd like to know people's answers too. I quit soda for a couple months and was so proud of myself. I had always hated diet soda, but after quitting the sugary stuff for so long when I tried diet soda again I was like "Not so bad!" and now I drink it as much as I used to drink the regular kind. I want to give it up, but I don't... maybe some motivation from people's experiences will help...
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    There is no evidance that artificial sweeteners affect matabolism at all. Just for the heck of it I tried 3 weeks without and three weeks with and lost the same amount of weight during both time spans.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Yep. For me fake sugar is a headache inducer. I talked to my doctor about it and she said "don't eat it."

    Also, I'm trying to avoid anything known to cause cancer and some fake sugar causes bladder cancer.'s real stuff for me all the way!
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    I can't seem to get away from artificial sweetners, so I was hoping I might be motivated by anyone who had positive results when they got rid of them? I chew alot of sugar free gum, like sugar free hard candies, drink artificial sugar free drinks (crystal light etc)...not soda. I like sugar free jello's, Even some of my yogurts are artificially sweetened! I LOVE THE taste of sweetness, and don't want the cals...yet I have heard the research and how I am only hurting my diet/metab etc. ANYONE Stop, and are glad they did??

    sugar free gum - Chew mint leaves?
    sugar free hard candies - find an online source for maple candies?
    drink artificial sugar free drinks - lemon juice, water, sweeten with honey/agave/stevia?
    SF jello - packet of plain gelatin, packet of kool-aid, honey/agave/stevia?
    yogurt - plain with honey/agave/stevia and frozen or fresh fruit

    That being said, I'm a-ok with ALL artificials - but I'm willing to offer help if you're set on trying to avoid them. :-D *Everything* has a healthier alternative.
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    I stopped drinking diet cokes and now I don't get near as many head aches and I turn to water more often than anything else. Those were the benefits for me.
  • AngieDee12
    AngieDee12 Posts: 41 Member
    Great advice! Thanks!
  • yoghurtand
    yoghurtand Posts: 119
    I quit artificial sweeteners cold turkey a while ago (was getting up to ten tablespoons per mug of tea/coffee - aka ridiculous). It had absolutely no affect on me whatsoever in terms of weight loss, but I was able to appreciate subtle natural sugars from fruits and veg more :)
  • lpm3925
    lpm3925 Posts: 39
    A couple of links for you from some university backed research:

    basically, take it easy, some studies actually show eight gain from the prolonged use of artificial sweetners.

    More about Aspartame specfic, including the fact that high levels can cause brain damage!

    But really, how can a man made chemical compound be good for you? What nutrional value do these sweetners contain? As for success, my wife was a Diet Coke junky. She was loosing only 1 pound per week on a diet and exercise routine that should have her losing 2. She cut the diet soda, and her weight lose went to 2-3 pounds per week.
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    I think it's hard to know exactly sometimes, because often it's diet soda with caffeine, and i have personally tried to figure out which of these were causing many symptoms that I had. I have found in the past year, that I definitely had headaches caused from having diet caffeine free soda. And definitely it dries the heck out of my skin. Those two for sure I know were the aspartame.
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    A couple of links for you from some university backed research:

    basically, take it easy, some studies actually show eight gain from the prolonged use of artificial sweetners.

    More about Aspartame specfic, including the fact that high levels can cause brain damage!

    But really, how can a man made chemical compound be good for you? What nutrional value do these sweetners contain? As for success, my wife was a Diet Coke junky. She was loosing only 1 pound per week on a diet and exercise routine that should have her losing 2. She cut the diet soda, and her weight lose went to 2-3 pounds per week.

    With respect to to those studies that hint at artificial sweeteners and weight gain, the reality is that none of them actually prove anything. The ones I've read simply say that people who drink artificial sweetened beverages tend to be more overweight than people who don't. The didn't study why that it is, just that that's what the number shows. Personally, I think that if anything artificial sweeteners can make some people more hungery or make cravings worse for some and that is the answer.

    I have not experienced increased hunger or cravings while drinking die pop.
  • lpm3925
    lpm3925 Posts: 39
    Maybe true, but the first article I linked to actually has nothing to do with weight gain, but specfically the inherent stability or instabilty of aspartame, and how our bodies break it down. Chemically the brokedown aspartame has compounds, which in large quantities, is hazardous for humans. I don't know what a large quantity is, and I'm pretty sure no human would consum that much, but I'm back to my point. Which is, if it's not really contributing nutrionally to your diet, why use it? If you want something sweet eat real sugar in moderation, or use honey in moderation. So maybe the question shouldn't be is it bad or does it make me gain or stop me from losing weight? But, "Why do I eat nutrionally devoid foods?"
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I can't seem to get away from artificial sweetners, so I was hoping I might be motivated by anyone who had positive results when they got rid of them? I chew alot of sugar free gum, like sugar free hard candies, drink artificial sugar free drinks (crystal light etc)...not soda. I like sugar free jello's, Even some of my yogurts are artificially sweetened! I LOVE THE taste of sweetness, and don't want the cals...yet I have heard the research and how I am only hurting my diet/metab etc. ANYONE Stop, and are glad they did??

    Wow! I don't think the problem is so much how your food is sweetened but that you have an astonishing sweet tooth! Do you also eat a lot of simple carbs like flour products, pasta, white potatoes, etc.?

    If you could start cutting sweet and processed things out of your diet, your taste will change. When I lost this weight the first time, more than 25 years ago, I began with a vicious sweet tooth. I cut almost everything sweet out of my diet and within a few months, foods I used to love were disgustingly over-sweet to me and I never ate them again.
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    So maybe the question shouldn't be is it bad or does it make me gain or stop me from losing weight? But, "Why do I eat nutrionally devoid foods?"

    Because we're genetically programmed to find comfort and safety in things that taste sweet and not bitter. Our ancestors didn't make the cut because they contemplated asparagus being healthier than sugar cane. This probably won't be the case in the next few centuries, however.
  • RoseRDH
    RoseRDH Posts: 24
  • pk_dalton
    My personal opinion is that artificial anything is not good for you in the long run. I tried some and got the headaches. I also read a few articles that it does mess with your metabolism. It basically tells your body that it doesn't need to function on it's own. My personal goal is to continue enjoying the foods that I love, but in smaller portions and less frequently.
  • Mommyof3texans
    Great question! I stopped adding splenda to my coffee about two weeks ago and I also stopped drinking diet coke. I don't think I've seen any real results I can attribute to cutting those out but I wasn't necessarily using a lot to begin with.
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    Again, I don't know if it was the sweetener or caffeine, but there definitely was an increase in hunger and cravings with it.
    A couple of links for you from some university backed research:

    basically, take it easy, some studies actually show eight gain from the prolonged use of artificial sweetners.

    More about Aspartame specfic, including the fact that high levels can cause brain damage!

    But really, how can a man made chemical compound be good for you? What nutrional value do these sweetners contain? As for success, my wife was a Diet Coke junky. She was loosing only 1 pound per week on a diet and exercise routine that should have her losing 2. She cut the diet soda, and her weight lose went to 2-3 pounds per week.

    With respect to to those studies that hint at artificial sweeteners and weight gain, the reality is that none of them actually prove anything. The ones I've read simply say that people who drink artificial sweetened beverages tend to be more overweight than people who don't. The didn't study why that it is, just that that's what the number shows. Personally, I think that if anything artificial sweeteners can make some people more hungery or make cravings worse for some and that is the answer.

    I have not experienced increased hunger or cravings while drinking die pop.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    I can't seem to get away from artificial sweetners, so I was hoping I might be motivated by anyone who had positive results when they got rid of them? I chew alot of sugar free gum, like sugar free hard candies, drink artificial sugar free drinks (crystal light etc)...not soda. I like sugar free jello's, Even some of my yogurts are artificially sweetened! I LOVE THE taste of sweetness, and don't want the cals...yet I have heard the research and how I am only hurting my diet/metab etc. ANYONE Stop, and are glad they did??

    sugar free gum - Chew mint leaves?
    sugar free hard candies - find an online source for maple candies?
    drink artificial sugar free drinks - lemon juice, water, sweeten with honey/agave/stevia?
    SF jello - packet of plain gelatin, packet of kool-aid, honey/agave/stevia?
    yogurt - plain with honey/agave/stevia and frozen or fresh fruit

    That being said, I'm a-ok with ALL artificials - but I'm willing to offer help if you're set on trying to avoid them. :-D *Everything* has a healthier alternative.

    184 lbs lost and you think you could post a decent picture. LOL
    Super Job by the way.
    I use Stevia in my yogurt, oatmeal, water, coffee and such. I also use fresh fruits like you suggested.
    Good Advice.
  • AngieDee12
    AngieDee12 Posts: 41 Member
    Yes, I have a sweet tooth! I do not eat white flour products, and seldom white potatoes, no white rice. Just whole grains...No added sugar to hardly a thing..just my own addition to of spenda, stevia...I am going to try and cut back, maybe my cravings will lessen.. Thanks for your insight.