I'm too young to look this old...mom of three. 27 yrs old

Hi Everybody!

I just started here and I am a 27 year old mom of three from Martensville Sk (Canada) I have never been in "peak" physical condition and have come to the sad realization that if I dont start doing some preventative maintenance that I am going to be regretting my body in my 30's. This mom ponch has to go!

I have been trying to do INSANITY for the past couple of weeks and have been happy with the progress that I have been making (yeah! 3 pounds! = 3 weeks) but I find it really hard to really push it, and always stay on the safe side. Lately I have been less and less motivated because I have been so tired and I feel lost when it comes to using this program and how to really track if I am eating enough or not enough or Im eating too much bad lol...I really want to eat bad right about now...I havent touched a chocolate bar in over three weeks and I might just implode. lol

If there are any other moms out there or anyone who wants to work together to keep motivating each other add me as a friend I would love to root you on and hope that someone out there would do the same and kick my butt into gear when things are looking rough.




  • abcwhite10
    abcwhite10 Posts: 140 Member
    Hey there :) I am from an area near Melfort SK - never expected to actually run into someone close to home. I am a little older than you and mom of three too. I would love to add you as a friend and maybe we can help to motivate one another when we need it :)
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    You are WAY younger than I am, but my story might be helpful. I had my 3rd child when I was 30. I never had weight problems, but I was out of shape, and not looking that great after my youngest was born. I started running... not fast, and not far. I tried to run 4 days a week. Long story short, I began to look more fit and feel much better. I continued to run until I was about 42 when my knees told me that I shouldn't be running any more. I then started walking. I walk about 4 miles three to five days each week, more in the summer. I also do 300 crunches, 35 push-ups (girl style), 2 sets of 25 curls, and two sets of tricep extensions with ten pound weights for my old lady arm flaps(two to four times each week). I am 50 now, and I look better than I did when I was 30 (OK, I'm older, but fit).

    The moral of the story... you can do it. You just have to find an exercise routine that you can do, and keep doing it. Find a friend to walk with, and that will make it easier. If you fall off the wagon for a week or two, get back on. It is totally a numbers game. This site is great for keeping track of everything, and the blogs are great for motivation.

    Good luck!! ::bigsmile:
  • suzyr78
    suzyr78 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, would love to help support each other.

    I'm a busy mom of 2 who is also working full time and attending school, so I know how hard it can get.

    Feel free to friend me if you'd like!
  • joannbuist23
    joannbuist23 Posts: 127 Member
    Hi, I just added you. I've been on here about 2 weeks and it's been going great so far. We can motivate each other!
  • razzyv
    razzyv Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, I am new to here as of today!
    Trying also to lose some baby weight (I have a one year old boy), finding it hard to get motivated. I guess this is mainly due to being so tired looking after a very active little boy and not finding much time to exercise!
    Good luck, feel free to add me - we can try to motivate each other :)
  • carin_cress
    carin_cress Posts: 21 Member
    I was curious about the INSANITY dvds also but then I found Turbo Fire. I liked what I saw and decided to order it. I am 6 weeks in and I love it. When I first started I found it difficult to get through the first workout, Fire 30 but as i got stonger with each day I have improved. I love that each day is dedicated to a differnet routine, keeps me interested, not bored. I have lost 11 lbs and about 8", I have been this weight before but never this size. The inches are melting away. I hope you are able to find a program that works for you. I hope this helps.

    Carin :smile: