Advice on what to do about this?



  • ILuvLifehouse
    ILuvLifehouse Posts: 55 Member
    If you're having PMS, it could easily cause a stall in your weight loss, or even a temporary gain.

    This is what I'm going through at the moment. I lost 4 pounds last week and now this week the scale moves up everyday and it is depressing. But i'm staying on track and still working out.
  • Bviera
    Bviera Posts: 106 Member
    All that initial weight is most likely water weight. It won't continue at the same pace, especially as you get closer to your goal weight. From your ticker, it looks like you have a lot to lose, so it's normal to go fast at first. But don't expect to lose every week, it doesn't always work that way. I've lost 8 pounds over the last 8 weeks or so (I'm very close to my goal weight, though), but although it averages out to a pound a week, some weeks didn't reflect that. I weigh in every Tuesday or Wednesday morning and for the last two weeks, the scale didn't budge a single pound. Yesterday, I happened to weigh myself and it had dropped 3 pounds. Meanwhile, I've lost several inches throughout my body. But you can't let yourself get discouraged if the scale won't budge for a while. You just have to trust how your clothes feel and how you look.
  • Give the scale a break.
    Remember muscle weighs more than fat.
    Measure yourself instead.
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