Hello and Help ME

Fdny343 Posts: 2
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
I am new to the site and a couple of friends of mine turned me on to this site. I am 505 lbs and I am looking to drop approx 225 lbs over the next coupld of years. The truth being, I am looking to drop that amount of weigh as fast as I can. I am 41 years I am a father of two 6 years olds (twins) and I can not even take them to the county fair. I can not play with them. I have been going to the gym for a little over a year now and I have lost about 40lbs, but I need to lose more faster. I have been going to fast food places for lunch and drink alot of soda. I reached out to all my co workers to help me at work and I reached out to all me frineds and family through Facebook. Now I am reaching out to everyone here. All I ask is that you make me accountable for my actions


  • shellgoff
    shellgoff Posts: 189 Member
    Hi and welcome! I just joined today too! SOunds like you are off to a good start! Keep at it....you can do it!!!
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    welcome to the site
  • jeepzilla
    jeepzilla Posts: 201
    Welcome!! you found the right place penty of postive motivation here!!!
  • oreyna49
    oreyna49 Posts: 152
    This is a great site, the motivation and support you receive is incredible. You will meet some very helpful people to help you along your journey. I wish you the best of luck on reaching your goals. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • suchaprettiface
    suchaprettiface Posts: 10 Member
    Welcome and congratulations on the progress that you've made so far, and kudos to you for enrolling people in all other areas of your life to support you attain your goal. You will find lots of new friends and a tremendous amount of support on MFP. Best of luck to you! :)
  • This is the place to do it!!! One precaution is that you also have to want it and hold yourself accountable. I never did before and that was my problem. I only allow myself to falter, but never fall. I use all of the amazing people and their determination on this site as my rocks and pillars. If they can lose and hold themselves strong---never will I let myself cheat myself out of a healthy thin and happy future. I am the captain of this ship, as are you!!!!

    You can do this -- c'mon this site will change your life if you let it and be honest with your recording of food and exercise. I can't wait to see you at the finish line. :flowerforyou:
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    Add me if you need friends .... and stop drinking soda (LOL - it took me weeks to wean off them but I feel so much better).
  • leanne2376
    leanne2376 Posts: 217
    Welcome - If you can get a trainer who will motivate you.

    Read as much as you can on weight loss and get many different recipes for good wholesome food that you enjoy. Stay in control of your calories.

    I wish you much luck
  • leanne2376
    leanne2376 Posts: 217
    Welcome - If you can get a trainer who will motivate you.

    Read as much as you can on weight loss and get many different recipes for good wholesome food that you enjoy. Stay in control of your calories.

    I wish you much luck
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    Hey there and welcome!

    You're in the right place for group support and motivation. Just remember, you're only in competition with yourself, yet we're all here to help keep you honest.

    Using the Food and Exercise trackers will help keep you honest as well since you'll see how your eating and activity habits add-up over time and allow you to make changes along the way.

    All the best to you! :-)
  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    This is the place to do it!!! One precaution is that you also have to want it and hold yourself accountable. I never did before and that was my problem. I only allow myself to falter, but never fall. I use all of the amazing people and their determination on this site as my rocks and pillars. If they can lose and hold themselves strong---never will I let myself cheat myself out of a healthy thin and happy future. I am the captain of this ship, as are you!!!!

    You can do this -- c'mon this site will change your life if you let it and be honest with your recording of food and exercise. I can't wait to see you at the finish line. :flowerforyou:

    This. True words. You are in control of this. You can do this.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Welcome FD! Great job losing 40 lbs. in a year.

    You ask for accountability, WOW, you are asking for some "Serious" feedback. Hope you can take it. But first things first, Open Your Food Diary, EITHER to Public or Friends. This is the Only way someone can give you an honest Critique.

    I wish You all the Best!
  • Gwooh
    Gwooh Posts: 80 Member
    WELCOME! I’m excited for your journey! Feel free to add me!

    The biggest issue for me has been not losing weight fast enough…I’m sure you have heard this a hundred times already but we didn’t put the weight on over night so it will not come off over night. I have made a commitment to make a life style for the last four months I have last 20lbs by making the smallest adjustments. Cutting out the “going out to eat meals” packing my lunch and cooking dinner has helped tremendously…because you know what is going in your body. And I walk everyday…some days at a faster pace than others…15-20-30 minutes…whatever I can give…but doing some form of exercise helps me take my mind off food which is such an addiction for me.

  • aamb
    aamb Posts: 377 Member
    good luck on this journey and remember.. the longest journeys begin with one step... you have taken it
  • alifer
    alifer Posts: 387 Member
    Welcome! I joined about a month ago and love this site. My biggest problem has always been Mountain dew. I have drastically reduced the amount of dew I drink, but I feel fabulous. Believe in yourself, you can do it. Feel free to add me if you would like. Best wishes on your journey!
  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member
    I am not sure what kind of soda you are drinking but if you switch to the kind with real sugar you will get satisfied much faster and not crave it near as much. THis will make it easier for you to quit it all together. Once you quit soda you will drop 40 or 50 lbs in no time flat:)))) Drink your 8 cups of water every day. For every 8 ounces of soda you consume you need to drink another 8oz of water to help flush it. Just think how those twins of yours would feel if they were to lose you. :( Kick the can or bottle of soda to the curb and grasp tightly to those two little ones. Lots of people need to do it for someone else when they start off, but soon after decide to do it for themselves once they start to see how much better they feel and how much more they can do. One step at a time. Accept my friend request and we can eliminate one thing at a time and add in healthier versions so you don't feel deprived or go into shock. I am willing to stand by and help you in any way i can. Make sure to go for little walks through out the day. 10 min at a time as fast as you can. get that heart rate up and just keep moving as much as you can. If you follow MFP and work out like it sais and use all the support you can get this WILL happen for you and maybe even faster than you thought it could. :)))))
  • Marcus_E
    Marcus_E Posts: 124
    Welcome, welcome, welcome... You've come to the right place...

    We're all here to help, advise and guide you on your journey as we all follow our own journeys too.. That's the amazing thing about MFP - it's full of motivation and positivity..

    Congrats on the goal and if you ever need to vent / chat / question - here for you.. (same to everyone else)

    Good luck with it, look forward to following your progress..
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    Welcome to the site and congratulations on your decision. You will gain a lot of information and tips on what and how to do. There's a ton of motivation and support here and you'll have tons of friends to encourage you. Just remember that it takes time to reach our goals so don't be too impatient with yourself. Your goals can be reached with your mind being made up to never quit because it's really a lifelong change, so embrace it and I wish you much success on your journey...you can do it so rock it out dude!!!:tongue:
    Feel free to add me if you like!
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Welcome aboard.

    You came to the right place for support. You do need to hold yourself accountable here. It really does work. You just need to stick to it EVERYDAY. we all have our good and bad days, the important thing is that you track them both and keep coming back.

    going to the gym is good. putting this site to work too will help you see your progress.

    Best wishes.
  • AdGalicia
    AdGalicia Posts: 84 Member
    Welcome and good luck on your weight loss journey. Stay away from the fast food!!!
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