What is the worst diet you have ever been on?



  • deadmittens
    deadmittens Posts: 536 Member
    Arby's every day was the worst diet I ever had :happy:

    This is my first real shot at healthier eating / losing weight.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,740 Member
    Slim Fast is not good when it comes out your nose.
    I would think not! :noway:
  • Zekesmom
    Zekesmom Posts: 64
    I did the Dr Bernstein diet...I lost 17lbs in 2 weeks and kept it off for about a year. Serious drawbacks are you feel like you're going to pass out, you can't eat any condiments except for mustard and soy sauce, and it costs a couple thousand dollars! Mind you I have gone back to the diet somewhat, nowhere as restrictive as I am modifying it a bit. I'm not starving, eating 1000C a day and exercising 5 days a week. I've lost 33lbs since Sept which is great. I had a hysterectomy in early Mar so I gained some weight from being restricted from exercise but I'm back on track now! It's been 6 weeks since surgery and I'm back to walking 2 miles a day.

    Did the Coke and saltine cracker diet about 10 years ago and it was horrid. You're higher than a kite on sugar plus have a dry mouth from crackers. I lost about 20lbs in a month but gained it plus way more when I stopped.
  • tiffanyquincey
    Something called the ABC diet. its supposed to last 30 days and depending on the day I would eat somewhere between 0 and 500 calories. Not the healthiest option obviously and I didn't lose anything so I quit after the first 2 weeks
  • steffilily
    steffilily Posts: 149
    When I was in high school, there was this flyer circulating around about the Alaskan Diet ( i think was the name of it). Supposedly doctors would recomment this diet to overweight patients that needed to lose weight quickly to have surgery. It was supposed to help you lose up to 20 pounds in a week. I can't remember the whole meal plan, but it went like this...
    1st day - eat all the fruit you want except bananas
    2nd day - eat all the vegs you want except corn and peas
    3rd day- eat all the fruits and vegs you want
    4th day - eat all the meat you want
    5th day - cabbage soup ? cant remember the 5th-7th day.

    Obivoulsy I never got past 4th day. Trying this in high school, I gave up on the 1st day. I was so hungry!

    Tried it again in college, made it to 3rd day and begged my brother to take me out for cheeseburger and chocolate shake. It made me SO hungry and I was not that big on fruits and vegs back then.
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    Slim fast. Although I lost 20 pounds on it in a short amount of time, I was STARVING MYSELF literally!!!! There is only so long you can drink your meals and have your stomach growling ALL DAY LONG trying to tell you it's hungry! As soon as I got off (because there is no way you can live on 900 calories or less for very long) I gained all the weight back plus a lot more!

    You have 1200 calories on the slim fast diet.

    That's wasn't true for when I did it. I tried the slim fast plan 9 years ago and then they gave me 2 shakes (180 calories each) and a very low cal under 500 calorie meal (basically they advertised the lower the better). That is under 900 calories.
  • lovediets
    lovediets Posts: 375 Member
    The worst diet was the egg, bannana, and hot dog diet. One day you had to eat 9 hot dogs - no bun of course!
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    The 2 very worst for me were Atkins and Slim Fast ~~
    Atkins in 10 days caused severe depression and 2 suicide attempts
    Slim Fast landed me in the hospital for 2 weeks due to dehydration and malnutrition
    Both were followed exactly as directed

    The best for me is the hCg diet. It is very restricted, but works and after 43 days on 500 calories you get to increase calories for 3 weeks and you still lose on the phase of the plan as well. And it worked for my husband as well.
  • faerybun
    faerybun Posts: 65
    I can't remember what it was called but all I could eat was oatmeal and egg whites and fresh fruit for the first week and the 2nd week I could eat chicken too. UGH! I felt like I was going to die!! That only lasted about 2 weeks LOL:laugh:

    Was this the Micheal Thurmann or whatever? Yeah, my mom decided to try that one on me when I was about 12, seeing egg whites and oatmeal on a plate as a twelve year old made me cry.

    I'd say the worst diet I ever had was in the seventh through ninth grade, never ate anything until dinner, which was of course fattening and carby. Ugh. Ruined my metabolism forever.

    Glad I've learned more about how to take care of my body with age.
  • dlf0001
    dlf0001 Posts: 20 Member
    I was going to say the Uncontollable Glutton Diet got me up to appoximately 300 pounds...